[37146] in Kerberos

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kerberos ticket cache

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Andrew Levin)
Fri Jul 10 09:39:46 2015

From: "Andrew Levin" <amlevin@mit.edu>
To: "kerberos@mit.edu" <kerberos@mit.edu>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 08:37:48 +0000
Message-ID: <EE01C89A84021A42A2D65A1C683626F9848BAFBF@OC11expo28.exchange.mit.edu>
Content-Language: en-US
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Errors-To: kerberos-bounces@mit.edu


I have noticed that even after I delete my kerberos ticket cache, as below, I remain authenticated (eg I can open files in an area where kerberos authentication is required). How is this possible?

[anlevin@lxplus0055 ~]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_13535_4nn0mf
Default principal: anlevin@CERN.CH

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/10/15 09:54:58  07/11/15 10:54:58  krbtgt/CERN.CH@CERN.CH
        renew until 07/15/15 09:54:58
07/10/15 09:54:59  07/11/15 10:54:58  afs/cern.ch@CERN.CH
        renew until 07/15/15 09:54:58
[anlevin@lxplus0055 ~]$ rm /tmp/krb5cc_13535_4nn0mf


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