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Fwd: Re: 3com

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Entropy)
Tue Dec 22 00:59:59 1998

Date: 	Mon, 21 Dec 1998 11:23:57 -0800
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From: Entropy <entropy@THEGRID.NET>

  The software that 3com has developed for running the NMC (network
management card) for the Total Control Hubs is a bit shady.
After uploading the software ( as one must do) YOU will notice a login
 account called "adm" with no password.
  Naturally no one wants the "adm" login there, so they delete it from the
configuration, and go on  programming the box. Once the box has been
 programmed and is ready to take calls, it is necessary to save all
settings, and hardware reset the box, at this point the box is fully
configured, and ready to
 take calls. The problem is this, the "adm" login requiring no password, is
 still there after the hardware reset!!! It cannot be deleted!
     I have ran a trace route on over 37 ISP's, found there HD box's, and
have been able to get
 into 21 of them through this security hole!
       The admin that programmed the box has no reason to go back into the
configuration after doing the
hardware reset, he has already gone over and double checked his settings,
they all looked good, and hardware reset has gone into action as the last
step.., he has no clue that the "adm" he has deleted is still there, and
      In order to stop the "adm" login one can only dis-able the "adm"
 login, not delete it....this is the only way to stop the login.

 I have tested this on the current, and last 3 releases of software put out
 by 3com for the NMC card.  3Com has been notified

 I hope this helps.


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