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Re: unneeded information in sudo

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Emad El-Haraty)
Fri Jun 11 16:25:04 1999

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Message-Id: <Pine.GSO.3.96.990610135957.26884D-100000@apache.utdallas.edu>
Date: 	Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:02:04 -0500
Reply-To: Emad El-Haraty <elharaty@UTDALLAS.EDU>
From: Emad El-Haraty <elharaty@UTDALLAS.EDU>
In-Reply-To:  <14174.47611.284315.675421@klapaucius.hip.berkeley.edu>

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Samuel Mikes wrote:

> >> "Bencsath" == Bencsath Boldizsar <boldi@BUDAPEST.HU> writes:
> Bencsath> Sudo (debian , v1.5.6p2-2) tells anyone if a file exists or
> Bencsath> not. It's not a very big problem, but when i set a
> Bencsath> directory _not_ accessible to anyone but root, I want to
> Bencsath> make sure, nobody knows what files are in it.  Both
> Bencsath> executable and not executables- if there is no file: No
> Bencsath> such file or directory, if it exists: permission denied if
> Bencsath> not executable, You are not in sudoers if executable.
When configuring (at compile time) would setting --disable-path-info
stop this problem?

here is it's description:
        Normally, sudo will tell the user when a command could not be found
        in their $PATH.  Some sites may wish to disable this as it could
        be used to gather information on the location of executables that
        the normal user does not have access to.

 Emad El-Haraty
 "The best thing about computers is that they fly around the room when you
  get real mad at them."
                    -- Joe Ely Carrales, III

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