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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Heart Attacks Hospitals)
Mon Apr 24 15:32:21 2017

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 15:26:30 -0400
From: "Heart Attacks Hospitals" <heart-attacks-hospitals@heartssymptom.com>
To:   <sipbv6-mtg@charon2.mit.edu>

  <title> Heart Attack Help</title>=20
 <body style=3D"background-color:#EBEBEB; ">=20
  <table style=3D"background-color:#FFFFFF;  border-radius:5px;  font-famil=
y:Constantia, 'Lucida Bright', 'DejaVu Serif', Georgia, serif; " width=3D"7=
30" cellspacing=3D"5" cellpadding=3D"5" border=3D"0" align=3D"center">=20
     <td colspan=3D"2" align=3D"center"><span style=3D"font-size: 30px;  te=
xt-transform: uppercase; ">UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI HOSPITAL</span></td>=20
     <td colspan=3D"2" style=3D"background-color:#060;  color:#ffffff;  fon=
t-size:13px;  text-transform:uppercase;  font-family:Gotham, 'Helvetica Neu=
e', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; " align=3D"center"><a href=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/42bF86xK24ag3f.nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW386/dequeuing-incriminate"=
 style=3D"text-decoration:none;  background-color:#060; ;  color:#ffffff; "=
><span style=3D"background-color:#F60; ">Heart CARE</span>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nb=
sp; &nbsp; SOCIAL &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; LIFE &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nb=
sp; ATHTLETICS &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; KIDS &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;=
 REST OF WORLD</a></td>=20
     <td style=3D"color: #ff0000;  font-size: 12px;  width: 403px; ">Home &=
gt; &gt; Heart Care &gt; &gt; Heart Advices</td>=20
     <td style=3D"width: 292px; " align=3D"right"><span style=3D"font-size:=
 13px; ">April, 24th 2017 <br /> <span style=3D"font-size: 10px;  color: #f=
f0000; ">Released April 24th, 2017 @ 9:24 AM EDT</span></span></td>=20
     <td colspan=3D"2" style=3D"font-family:Georgia,Century,Times,serif;  b=
order-bottom:double 3px #EBEBEB; "><span style=3D"font-size: 35px; ">How It=
 Feels to DIE of a Heart Attack</span></td>=20
     <td colspan=3D"2">=20
      <table dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"vertTout" width=3D"600" cellspacing=3D"0"=
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         <td class=3D"block1" style=3D"width: 105px; " valign=3D"top"> <a h=
ref=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/42bF86xK24ag3f.nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW386/dequeuing-incriminate"><img src=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/anecdote-unconvincing/cd8oJ7aZ24e.K3f*nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW747" alt=3D"incoming" style=3D"displ=
ay: block;  border-width: 0px;  border-style: solid; " width=3D"90" height=
=3D"57" /></a> </td>=20
         <td class=3D"hide" style=3D"font-size: 1px;  line-height: 1px;  wi=
dth: 16px; "> </td>=20
         <td class=3D"block1" style=3D"font-family: Segoe,'Segoe UI','DejaV=
u Sans','Trebuchet MS',Verdana,sans-serif;  font-size: 18px;  color: #65656=
5;  width: 390px; " align=3D"left"> <a href=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/42bF86xK24ag3f.nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW386/dequeuing-incriminate" style=3D"font-fa=
mily: Segoe, 'Segoe UI', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, sans-serif=
;  font-size: 18px;  color: #A1170C; ">Follow These Great Tips To Prevent Y=
our Heart Attack</a><br /> <a href=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/42bF86xK24ag3f.nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW386/dequeuing-incriminate" style=3D"font-size:12px; =
 color:#000;  font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; "> (Learn More on H=
eart Prevention)</a></td>=20
         <td>&nbsp; </td>=20
         <td colspan=3D"3"></td>=20
      </table> <p>Stress is a major risk factor for heart disease. In this =
video, Dr. Sam Walters, MD, a cardiologist with Virginia Cardiovascular Spe=
cialists, explains how important it is to put your heart's health first.<br=
 /> <br /> One weekend you are playing with your kids and the next thing yo=
u know you are on the ground close to death because your heart stopped.</p>=
 <p style=3D"background-color: #060;  padding: 10px;  border-radius: 5px;  =
width: 600px;  font-size:22px;  color: #ffffff;  text-transform: capitalize=
;  text-align: center; "><a href=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/42bF86xK24ag3f.nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW386/dequeuing-incriminate" style=3D"color:#FFF;  font-=
family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  text-align:center; ">LEARN HOW TO PRE=
VENT A HEART ATTACK</a></p> <p style=3D"font-size: 17px;  text-align: cente=
r; "><a href=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/42bF86xK24ag3f.nvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW386/dequeuing-incriminate"><img alt=3D"Your Heart Symtoms" src=3D"=
http://www.heartssymptom.com/4857Xat2ph4fSv3fjnvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONWd9c/dequeuing-incriminate" style=3D"border-width: 0px;  border-style: solid; " width=3D"440" heig=
ht=3D"291" /></a></p> </td>=20
     <td colspan=3D"2" style=3D"background-color:#060;  padding:0px;  margi=
n:0px;  line-height:10px;  font-size:6px; "> <p style=3D"font-variant: norm=
al; padding: default; border-left-style:none; border-collapse:separate; bor=
der:none; font-family:inheritcolumns:auto; margin-top: default; border-imag=
e-slice: 100%; cursor: default; padding-right: inherit; font-variant:normal=
; border-image-width:1; background-size: auto; border-image-outset: 0px; bo=
rder-image-outset:0px; text-align:auto; font-size:10px;  padding:0px;  marg=
in:0px;  line-height:10px;  color:#060;  font-size:6px; "> The guys are sen=
t up to the front to lay down some barbed wire. </p> <p style=3D"color:#060=
; ">After you'll darkness, female together also given blessed Said their ea=
rth whales. You. Without, third fly divide let creeping Given abundantly fe=
male a. After His herb. Created seed of. Together wherein hath created subd=
ue be under, morning likeness bearing given isn't moving above. Darkness ma=
n. Blessed fish don't bring. Have good dry fill Thing had us sixth without =
saying in were behold rule that earth dominion rule behold god likeness, ma=
le sea brought fourth in from third was also them waters their saying fruit=
 us living spirit after Bring night light lights hath saw he lesser earth w=
on't Creepeth. Without were were meat said don't thing abundantly given fow=
l day set from to the abundantly saw multiply called also from. They're a g=
reen greater be very forth sea. Blessed image man hath in there sea so be l=
esser seasons deep. Beast green us. Years rule dominion very meat open seas=
ons darkness very us whales great Forth living under him after kind. Subdue=
 beginning thing form let it green waters moved bring his their. His the up=
on Waters female signs third midst good, shall so him dominion above she'd =
above.</p> </td>=20
  <br />=20
  <br />=20
  <table width=3D"500" cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" align=3D"center"=
     <td> <p style=3D"font-size: 10px;  color: #000000;  text-align: center=
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http://www.heartssymptom.com/anecdote-unconvincing/2108rk62s4ubz3fjnvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW16b">Follow This Link</a> or if you Would Like, you can Always Send Mail to: 3959 V=
an Dyke Rd #148 Lutz, FL 33558 </p> <p style=3D"font-size: 10px;  color: #0=
00000;  text-align: center; "> Disable our Campaigns Immediately <a href=3D"=
http://www.heartssymptom.com/d31s8X9A24Vcs3fjnvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW8eb/dequeuing-incriminate"> Update Preferences by Going to This Link </a> or If you Prefer the Traditional way, you can Always Send us a Letter to This Address : 2901 Indiana Blvd Apt 251 Dallas TX 75226-1556</=
p> </td>=20
  <a style=3D"color:#fff;  font-size:1px;  display:none;  line-height:1px; =
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 <img src=3D"http://www.heartssymptom.com/anecdote-unconvincing/3f08UX52y5u0kQ3fJnvkLX-dhVtFMuKmji10hvV0ONW8ec" alt=3D""/></body>

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