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$250,000 Term Life Coverage for $13.91 a month

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (AIGDirect)
Wed Sep 2 15:01:03 2015

Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 12:01:00 -0700
From: "AIGDirect" <AIGDirect@bubutopef.eu>
To: <sipbv6-mtg@charon2.mit.edu>

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Hi there,

Over 60 Million People Worldwide Rely on AIG Companies for Coverage

For Affordable Term Life Quote from AIG Direct 

Bring in 2015 with saving up to 70% on term life coverage

To Unsubscribe : 

Or Write To : 
AIG Direct Services Inc.
9640 Granite Ridge Drive
San Diego, CA 92123 

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