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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (3 Bureau Scores)
Mon Mar 2 19:01:39 2015

Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 16:01:34 -0800
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<font color="white" size="1">stration, which did not even have a full-time diplomat assigned to the 
reform effort until Torsella was sworn in last April. Even so, Torsellas 
expertise in the area is newly minted: prior to his swearing in, 
he was head of the Pennsylvania State Board of Education. Prior to 
that, he served as founder and head of the National Constitution Center 
in Philadelphia.Currently, the U.S. pays 22 percent of the U.N. Secretariats $5.2 
billion regular biennial budget, and 27 percent of peacekeeping, as well as 
greater or lesser amounts of a host of other programs. Last year, 
the State Department said the U.S. gave U.N. funds, programs and agencies 
about $7.4 billion, but that may still understate U.S. largesse.Among the main 
elements of the reform campaign:-- significant future cuts in the fast-expanding, multibillion-dollar 
U.N. regular budget; and a comprehensive reform of the U.N.s broken budget 
process.-- a pay freeze for top U.N. officials, mirroring a freeze in 


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<font color="white" size="1">Massachusetts Environmental PoliceThe Nantucket fishing boat that floated away in August 2008 
was discovered drifting off the coast of Spain.A Massachusetts fishing boat lost 
at sea in rough waters in August 2008 was discovered thousands of 
miles away floating along the northern coast of Spain, according to a 
Nantucket newspaper.The Inquirer and Mirror reported that Scott Douglas and his brother-in-law, 
Rich St. Pierre, were tossed from the 26-foot boat by a large 
wave and swam to shore, leaving the boat to drift away.More than 
three years later, the Spanish coast guard has found the fishing boat 
about 20 miles off the coast of the small port town Llanes. 
The Massachusetts Environmental Police and U.S. Coast Guard confirmed to the paper 
that the vessel was in fact the same one lost by the 
two Massachusetts men.The word Nantucket remains written on its side, and its 
outboard motors are still attached to the boat, named the Queen Bee. 
Spanish media reports said
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