[2113] in UA Senate

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we'll change to progress / vamos a cambiar para progresar

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Rubén Rivero Capriles via rbh)
Wed Jan 6 06:34:34 2016

Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:27:59 -0500
From: "Rubén Rivero Capriles via rbh" <rbh@riverocooper.com>
Reply-To: =?iso-8859-1?b?UnVi6W4=?= Rivero Capriles <rrivero@riverocooper.com>
Reply-to: rroopstr@gmail.com
To: rbh@riverocooper.com

It is important to replace all public authorities and Constituent =20
Assembly must be convoked to urgently eject the pernicious legacy of =20
many years of blunders and corruption. We deservedly celebrated at =20
Venezuela Command in Bello Monte. It is our commitment that angry =20
people, who trusted us without knowing us, will join forces with the =20
current membership of the MUD to consolidate our qualified majority =20
(3/5) which is also absolute (2/3 of the Assembly). Our 112 =20
congressmen are proclaimed and the popular will was respected at every =20
circuit. Our elected officials are today reaffirming all the promises =20
offered during the campaign and were favored by the electorate. Our =20
qualified and absolute majority requires wisdom and commitment.

Criticism against Ramos Allup begins due to his initiative to =20
eliminate wasteful spending that absorbs state resources that could be =20
used on more important matters. There is much bureaucracy to be fired =20
and motivated to undertake formal business with their liquidation =20
proceeds. The dismissal of unnecessary personnel and the closure of =20
inefficient bureaucratic structures is a mere administrative =20
formality. It is clear enough that Venezuelans prefer capitalism. In =20
popular sectors at Trapichito in Guarenas we have distributed leaflets =20
to butchers who were being harassed by officials of the =20
Superintendence of fair prices. Customers and butchers received our =20
proposal with hope despite the government's refusal.

Count on our full support to educate those who still defend =20
officialism above merits of the right. Be convinced of the need to =20
activate national constituent assembly to replace this neototalitarian =20
and illegitimate regime as soon as possible, and market forces will =20
take care of achieving economic equilibrium. We must exterminate =20
Maduro?s legacy to never return. Which is Maduro?s hysteria regarding =20
Mountain Headquarters? It hasn?t been proven there lays either Ch=E1vez? =20
corpse or a wax doll. Which is Maduro?s hysteria about amnesty law? As =20
he looks for obstacles, in fact we?ll enjoy a new, qualified =20
parliamentary government. Perhaps those people who are today called =20
traitors were never revolutionaries and today the MUD enjoys a solid =20
membership of nearly 8 million. We are absolute majority. Regarding =20
the governorates now begins the campaign to win them all; it is the =20
only way to eradicate the lamentable inefficiency soon to be forgotten.

Venezuelans want economic freedoms without bureaucratic controls of a =20
corrupt regime. The MUD continues to build the plural majority of =20
Venezuela and we have to replace other public authorities, including =20
the executive, during 2016. We unplugged more than forty deputies that =20
hindered the generation of correct public policies. Now we must =20
accelerate the dismantling of the current failed state, in our opinion =20
the most convenient way is by convening a national constituent =20
assembly, although other constitutional mechanisms exist to continue =20
unplugging mob. Having voted for the left in the past is not a =20
lifetime contract of electoral exclusivity. Citizens democratically =20
exerted their will to change their opinion in favor of the right. We =20
were very emphatic during the campaign to instruct people to seize =20
everything given to them by socialists and then vote for the Unity =20

Amnesty law, reform of labor law and repeal of the Law of Fair Prices =20
are coming, among many others. Maduro will want to veto them all, we =20
won?t be able to live as such and we?ll have to oust him. There are =20
supporters of the losing side who sound aggressive; however, they?ll =20
have to exert opposition through constructive criticism. Certainly =20
people will continue swing voting. In 2016 elections for governors =20
will be convened, and the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) will =20
unplug twenty (20) governors from madurism who have not led to =20
progress. Today our sister Republic Argentina opens the presidency of =20
Mauricio Macri who will eradicate the backlog of Peronism for the past =20
100 years. In Brazil Dilma Rousseff will be impeached. Here comes the =20
Right. Resentment is anachronistic and regrettable. The vast majority =20
are tired of repetitive speech that justifies the queues, =20
hyperinflation and corruption. Officialism is bad loser and still does =20
not concede that revolution collapsed.

We quote the words of Lilian Tintori who shared with us at Popular =20
Will Guilds: "keep on looking for people." A headline in El Universal =20
(officialist newspaper) enhances colors of each party from Unity, each =20
separately make less deputies than PSUV. CiudadCCS (officialist =20
newspaper) exaggerates an alleged dispute between Capriles and Ramos =20
Allup. Naturally we all now return to our specific party membership, =20
but simultaneously we continue nurturing and strengthening the MUD, =20
whose deputies take office in January. The upcoming election is to =20
renew governorates, and the MUD will probably get much more than the =20
current three governors. We?ll continue conquering spaces. The best =20
benefit for the people will activate a constitutional mechanism to =20
remove Maduro of his shameful and illegitimate presidency. The new =20
National Assembly has a duty to exterminate the legacy of Chavez drug =20
trafficker. Rafael Ramirez was responsible for laundering PDVSA drug =20
money and Rodriguez Chac=EDn coordinated logistics with the FARC. Now I =20
understand why drug use in Venezuela has increased so much; it is =20
favored by the regime since no other source of revenue is available as =20
oil is now worth little.

The MUD did not win with borrowed votes. We obtained the votes of our =20
membership and our supporters; we visited them in their homes. At =20
Popular Will we are available for all these new supporters to help =20
their forming new popular networks. The idiocy of madurist language =20
provides for all. Now hardly anyone is Ch=E1vez because we are all =20
bourgeoisie. It was exciting to get so much attention and thanks to =20
this surprising conclusion. Thanks deputies Rafael Veloz and Gilber =20
Caro for their trust. Too repetitive are warnings that the opposition =20
has to manage victory. What is the fear if our administration differs =20
from expectations? Panic ensues at chavismo as they progress =20
hopelessly towards the trashcan of history. Welcome people to the =20
right. We will seek to activate any of the following mechanisms to =20
quickly change government: constituent assembly, revoke, =20
constitutional reform, constitutional amendment, renounce or =20
prosecution of the head of state.

We toured most of Miranda state to Tacarigua de la Laguna, on a family =20
trip to the beach. We could not help but notice the huge campaign of =20
the ruling party candidate who beat our MUD candidate in that 5th =20
circuit of Barlovento. Our state still has a lot of territory to which =20
we have not devoted enough attention, because there are also queues =20
and opportunities to propose change. We made it! Now we need to think =20
hard, we have acquired a huge commitment to the new militancy. Looking =20
for prominence after the post electoral stress due to crushing defeat =20
in Aragua, Tarek El Aissami now threatens to prevent us access to the =20
National Assembly on January 5 2016. Explicit and appalling Coup!  =20
Don?t miss the inaugural celebration on January 5 with the MUD =20
parading through the red hot corner of Plaza Bolivar. Red radicalism =20
must be countered with blue radicalism.

We went in Montalb=E1n to the Assembly of All for Freedom, along with =20
Lilian Tintori, as we could not attend the Yaracuy gathering. We thank =20
Popular Will in Guarenas and Guatire for the wonderful tour offered to =20
activists who visited along with Lilian Tintori. The polls still =20
indicated a few weeks ago a technical draw at Miranda 4th circuit, but =20
it seemed that the opposition would soon strengthen as indeed =20
happened. We toured Leopoldo L=F3pez Foundation chaired by Gilber Caro, =20
at The Miracle zoning of Guatire, and met the folk musicians of San =20
Pedro de Guatire.

We beat records on leafleting, more than 1000 flyers distributed among =20
the Mariche Metrocable and buses to New Casarapa, Araguaney, Guatire =20
and Terraces of the East. In over a thousand motorcycles led by Gilber =20
Caro we rode from El Llanito to Montalb=E1n, because we would defend the =20
votes as cast. Then we returned to La Dolorita and Caucaguita to share =20
a sports day with Capriles and candidates Adriana D'Elia and Rafael =20
Guzm=E1n. Excellent reunion with Diego Area and Brian Fincheltub, thanks =20
for everything! We went to Las Terrazas del Rodeo for Sunday sports =20

We need to learn to respond less and decide more. We organized all =20
details for an interesting assembly of public security in Torre=F3n, =20
Guarenas. We attended the caravan to support the 2nd circuit of =20
Miranda (Chacao - Baruta - Hatillo ? Leoncio Mart=EDnez). It was =20
pleasing to meet again Councilman Rafael Del Rosario and share =20
memories of his hunger strike during my early days with the family of =20
Popular Will. We continue carrying the message of change to all the =20
communities of Miranda State 4th Circuit, including Sector Villa =20
Esperanza sector at Caucaguita parish and at Filas de Mariche.

We reject completely the communiqu=E9 of the Network of Visual Artists =20
in Resistance released by the South Biennial. Here the only =20
imperialism is Cuban and its narcotics castrocommunism. We artists =20
have been used as muzzle to spread this shameful ideology which drives =20
us to starving, queues and insecurity. In the new national assembly =20
we?ll finally obtain tools to finally eject this shameful, =20
neototalitarian and illegitimate regime. The Best Venezuela will come =20
sponsored by all countries of good, including the dear United States =20
of America. Force and faith.

We won in all circuits of Greater Caracas. Congratulations! Let's =20
change to progress and together we will achieve it. As government =20
militants become aware of being cornered, they tend to exaggerate =20
resentment and futile threats. The madurism remains as minority who =20
will have to adapt to what we decide, those who make up the new =20
majority. Meanwhile automatic teller machines, bank transfers and =20
Caracas subway collapse. Through Santa in the Streets we collected and =20
distributed toys in three trips to The Miracle of Guatire, Filas de =20
Mariche and Baruta. Thanks to Dana Andre=EDna at New Casarapa of =20
Guarenas for having us in her home and Maribel Rivetti for teaching us =20
how to spread popular networks.

We accompanied Miranda state governor Henrique Capriles during a steep =20
path to the top of the Nazarene II, where despite the spectacular =20
panoramic view of the valley of Guarenas many houses are in the danger =20
zone. Several neighbors were encouraged to look for terrain elsewhere =20
to support them in building their new homes. Then we attended the =20
Student Assembly of the Plaza and Zamora municipalities in Las Rosas =20
of Guatire, where the students asked candidates for congress Adriana =20
D'Elia, Rafael Guzm=E1n, Manuel Texeira and Gilber Caro to advocate for =20
establishment of university campuses in the cities of Guarenas and =20
Guatire. We distributed two thousand (2000) flyers in downtown =20
Guarenas. People were very aware of the MUD ticket: down, left, at the =20
corner at the little hand. Hard opposition vote wore firmer than a few =20
weeks ago. Officialism was right to complain that our opposition =20
campaign is comfortable: it was enough to visit all the queues and our =20
message was received with enthusiasm in a heartbeat.

Anyone could be killed during the election campaign. It happened to =20
Luis Manuel Diaz. Voting for officialism constituted complicity in =20
crime. We arrived to Menca de Leoni, El Trapichito and El Sam=E1n. There =20
was no presence of any opposition party, only the PSUV. We haven?t =20
worked hard enough there: hard core madurism remains but the majority =20
was eager not confuse the little hand of MUD with traps from fake =20
min-unidad. Excellent activists from popular networking workshop =20
shared their experiences in the 5th circuit of Capital District.

Official threats became irrelevant. We unplugged that mob. The =20
campaign closing of Adriana D'Elia and Rafael Guzm=E1n was convened at =20
Ingenio sports field of Guatire. In the Popular Will Guilds movement =20
we have trained a large group of voting center witnesses to ensure =20
optimal electoral system performance. In addition, they have given =20
workshops on electoral offenses to lawyers and law students who take =20
part in the event of irregularities in the voting centers. Nourished =20
and cheerful was concurrence in Ingenio sports field of Guatire, where =20
Adriana D'Elia autographed my cap of Popular Will Guilds.

We inaugurated Leopoldo L=F3pez Foundation at El Milagro sector, behind =20
the Guatire bus depot. There was free transportation from Centro Plaza =20
in Los Palos Grandes at noon for those who could join us. There was =20
intimidation against MUD voting table witnesses by the voting table =20
officials in Ciudad Bel=E9n, Plaza municipality. We were monitoring the =20
area, voting, mobilizing and denouncing irregularities. Defective =20
machine assigned to the table 14 of the San Agust=EDn High School at El =20
Marqu=E9s was replaced at 9am, so it took me hours to vote. Manual =20
voting was faster. In 2016 we?ll properly deal with Barlovento and Tuy =20
Valleys. Our work is still insufficient.

Rub=E9n Rivero Capriles
http://www.rroopstr.com (global blog)
http://www.riverocooper.com (art & mining)

Es importante sustituir a todos los poderes p=FAblicos y convocar la =20
Asamblea Constituyente para eyectar con urgencia el nefasto legado de =20
tantos a=F1os de graves errores y corrupci=F3n. Merecidamente celebramos =20
en Comando Venezuela de Bello Monte. Es nuestro compromiso que ese =20
pueblo arrecho que confi=F3 en nosotros sin conocernos una fuerzas con =20
la actual militancia de la MUD para consolidar nuestra mayor=EDa =20
calificada (3/5) que lleg=F3 a absoluta (2/3 de la Asamblea). Nuestros =20
112 diputados est=E1n proclamados y se respet=F3 la voluntad popular en =20
todos los circuitos. Nuestros funcionarios electos hoy est=E1n =20
reafirmando todas las promesas que ofrecieron durante la campa=F1a y =20
fueron favorecidas por el electorado. Nuestra mayor=EDa calificada y =20
absoluta requiere madurez y compromiso.

Comienzan cr=EDticas contra Ramos Allup por su iniciativa para eliminar =20
gastos superfluos que absorben recursos del estado que pudiesen ser =20
invertidos en asuntos m=E1s importantes. Hay mucha burocracia que debe =20
ser despedida y motivada a que emprenda negocios formales con sus =20
ingresos por liquidaci=F3n. El despido de personal innecesario y el =20
cierre de estructuras burocr=E1ticas ineficientes es un mero tr=E1mite =20
administrativo. Est=E1 suficientemente aclarado que los venezolanos =20
preferimos el capitalismo. En sectores populares de Trapichito en =20
Guarenas hemos repartido volantes en carnicer=EDas que estaban siendo =20
acosadas por funcionarios de la Superintendencia de Precios Justos. =20
Clientes y carniceros recibieron nuestra propuesta con esperanza a =20
pesar de la negativa gubernamental.

Cuenten con todo nuestro apoyo para educar a quienes todav=EDa defienden =20
al oficialismo sobre las bondades de la derecha. Convenz=E1monos de la =20
necesidad de activar asamblea nacional constituyente para sustituir =20
este r=E9gimen neototalitario e ileg=EDtimo a la mayor brevedad posible, y =
que las fuerzas del mercado se encarguen de lograr equilibrios =20
econ=F3micos. Hay que exterminar al madurismo para que nunca vuelvan. =20
=BFCu=E1l es la histeria de Maduro respecto al Cuartel de la Monta=F1a? Ni =
siquiera se ha probado si all=ED est=E1 el cad=E1ver de Ch=E1vez o un mu=F1e=
co =20
de cera. =BFCu=E1l es la histeria de Maduro respecto a Ley de amnist=EDa? =
As=ED busque trabas, en efecto disfrutaremos un nuevo gobierno =20
parlamentario calificado. Quiz=E1s esas gentes que hoy llaman traidores =20
nunca fueron revolucionarios y hoy en d=EDa la MUD disfruta de una =20
s=F3lida militancia de casi 8 millones. Somos mayor=EDa absoluta. Respecto =
a las gobernaciones, desde ya comenzaremos la campa=F1a para ganarlas =20
todas, es el =FAnico modo de erradicar la lamentable ineficiencia que =20
quedar=E1 pronto en el olvido.

Los venezolanos queremos libertades econ=F3micas sin controles =20
burocr=E1ticos de un r=E9gimen corrupto. La MUD sigue construyendo la =20
mayor=EDa plural de Venezuela y nos disponemos a sustituir a los dem=E1s =20
poderes p=FAblicos, incluyendo el ejecutivo, durante 2016. Hemos =20
desenchufado a m=E1s de cuarenta diputados que entorpec=EDan la generaci=F3n=
de correctas pol=EDticas p=FAblicas. Ahora nos toca acelerar el =20
desmantelamiento del actual estado fallido, en nuestra opini=F3n la =20
manera m=E1s conveniente es mediante la convocatoria a una asamblea =20
nacional constituyente, aunque existen otros mecanismos =20
constitucionales para seguir desenchufando chusma. Haber votado por la =20
izquierda en el pasado no constituye un contrato vitalicio de =20
exclusividad electoral. Los ciudadanos ejercieron democr=E1ticamente su =20
derecho de cambiar su opini=F3n en beneficio de la derecha. Fuimos muy =20
enf=E1ticos durante la campa=F1a de instruir a la gente que agarraran todo =
lo que les dieran los socialistas pero que luego votaran por la de la =20

Vienen la Ley de Amnist=EDa, la reforma de la ley del Trabajo y la =20
derogaci=F3n de la Ley de Precios Justos, entre muchas m=E1s. Maduro todo =
lo querr=E1 vetar, as=ED no se podr=E1 vivir y lo tendremos que sacar. Hay =
simpatizantes del bando perdedor que suenan agresivos pero les =20
corresponder=E1 ejercer oposici=F3n mediante la cr=EDtica constructiva. =20
Ciertamente la gente se seguir=E1 volteando. En 2016 se convocar=E1n =20
elecciones para gobernadores, y la Mesa de la Unidad Democr=E1tica (MUD) =20
desenchufar=E1 a veinte (20) gobernadores maduristas que no han =20
propiciado progreso. Hoy la hermana Rep=FAblica Argentina estrena la =20
presidencia de Mauricio Macri quien erradicar=E1 el atraso peronista de =20
los =FAltimos 100 a=F1os. En Brasil Dilma Rousseff ser=E1 destituida. Viene =
la Derecha. El resentimiento es anacr=F3nico y lamentable. Las grandes =20
mayor=EDas estamos hartos del repetitivo discurso que justifica las =20
colas, hiperinflaci=F3n y corrupci=F3n. El oficialismo es mal perdedor y =20
todav=EDa no admite que la revoluci=F3n se derrumb=F3.

Citamos las palabras de Lilian Tintori quien comparti=F3 junto a =20
nosotros en Vp Gremios: "sigamos buscando gente". Un titular de El =20
Universal (medio oficialista) destaca los colores de cada partido de =20
la Unidad que por separado conforman cada uno menos diputados que el =20
PSUV. El diario CiudadCCS (medio oficialista) exagera una presunta =20
disputa entre Capriles y Ramos Allup. Naturalmente todos ahora =20
volveremos a nuestra militancia partidista espec=EDfica, pero =20
simult=E1neamente sigamos nutriendo y fortaleciendo a la MUD, cuyos =20
diputados asumir=E1n sus cargos en enero. La pr=F3xima cita electoral es =20
para renovar gobernaciones, y la MUD probablemente obtendr=E1 much=EDsimo =
m=E1s que los tres gobernadores actuales. Seguiremos conquistando =20
espacios. El mejor beneficio al pueblo ser=E1 activar un mecanismo =20
constitucional que remueva a Maduro de su oprobiosa e ileg=EDtima =20
presidencia. La nueva Asamblea Nacional tiene el deber de exterminar =20
el legado del narcotraficante Ch=E1vez. Rafael Ram=EDrez era el encargado =
de lavar el dinero en PDVSA y Rodr=EDguez Chac=EDn coordinaba la log=EDstica=
junto a las FARC. Ahora comprendo por qu=E9 el consumo de drogas en =20
Venezuela ha aumentado tanto, es propiciado por este r=E9gimen pues no =20
dispone de otra fuente de ingresos ya que el petr=F3leo ahora vale poco.

La MUD no gan=F3 con votos prestados. Obtuvimos votos de nuestra =20
militancia y de nuestros simpatizantes a quienes hemos visitado casa =20
por casa. En Voluntad Popular estamos a la orden de todos esos nuevos =20
simpatizantes para apoyarlos en la conformaci=F3n de nuevas redes =20
populares. La idiotez del lenguaje madurista da para todo. Ahora casi =20
nadie es Ch=E1vez porque todos somos burgues=EDa. Fue emocionante recibir =
tantas atenciones y agradecimientos en esta sorpresiva celebraci=F3n. =20
Gracias diputados Rafael Veloz y Gilber Caro por su confianza. =20
Demasiado repetitiva la advertencia que la oposici=F3n tiene que =20
administrar la victoria =BFqu=E9 temen si nuestra administraci=F3n difiere =
de sus expectativas? Cunde el p=E1nico en el chavismo mientras avanzan =20
irremediablemente hacia el basurero de la historia. Bienvenido el =20
pueblo a la derecha. Nos abocaremos a activar alguno de los siguientes =20
mecanismos para cambiar r=E1pidamente de gobierno: constituyente, =20
revocatorio, reforma constitucional, enmienda constitucional, renuncia =20
o enjuiciamiento del jefe de estado.

Recorrimos casi todo el estado Miranda hasta Tacarigua de la Laguna, =20
en un viaje familiar a la playa. No pudimos evitar observar la enorme =20
campa=F1a de la candidata oficialista que venci=F3 a nuestro candidato de =
la MUD en ese circuito 5 de Barlovento. Nuestro estado todav=EDa tiene =20
mucho territorio al cual no le hemos dedicado suficiente atenci=F3n, =20
pues all=ED tambi=E9n hay colas y oportunidades para proponer cambio. =A1Lo =
logramos! Ahora necesitamos pensar mucho, hemos adquirido un enorme =20
compromiso con la nueva militancia. Buscando protagonismo tras el =20
estr=E9s postelectoral por la aplastante derrota sufrida en Aragua, =20
Tarek El Aissami ahora amenaza con impedirnos acceso a la Asamblea =20
Nacional el pr=F3ximo 5 de enero 2016. Golpismo expl=EDcito y de lo =20
=FAltimo. No nos perdamos el bonche inaugural del 5 enero con la MUD en =20
pleno desfilando por la esquina roja caliente de la plaza bol=EDvar. El =20
radicalismo rojo debe contrarrestarse con radicalismo azul.

Acudimos en Montalb=E1n a la Asamblea de Todos por la Libertad, junto a =20
Lilian Tintori, ya que no pudimos asistir a Yaracuy. Agradecemos a =20
Voluntad Popular en Guarenas y Guatire por el maravilloso recorrido =20
que nos ofrecieron a los activistas que fuimos de visita tambi=E9n con =20
Lilian Tintori. Las encuestas de hace pocas semanas todav=EDa indicaban =20
empate t=E9cnico en circuito 4 de Miranda, pero todo parec=EDa indicar que =
la oposici=F3n tomar=EDa fuerza como en efecto ocurri=F3. Recorrimos la =20
Fundaci=F3n Leopoldo L=F3pez presidida por Gilber Caro, en sector El =20
Milagro de Guatire, y conocimos la parranda de San Pedro de Guatire.

Batimos r=E9cord de volanteo, m=E1s de 1000 volantes repartidos entre el =20
Metrocable Mariche y las camionetas para Nueva Casarapa, Araguaney, =20
Guatire y Terrazas del Este. En m=E1s de mil motos lideradas por Gilber =20
Caro recorrimos desde el Llanito hasta Montalb=E1n, pues defenderemos =20
los votos como es. Luego regresamos a La Dolorita y Caucaguita para =20
compartir una jornada deportiva con Capriles y los candidatos Adriana =20
D'Elia y Rafael Guzm=E1n. =A1Excelente reencuentro con Diego Area y Brian =
Fincheltub, gracias por todo! Acudimos a las Terrazas del Rodeo =20
durante premiaci=F3n de domingo deportivo.

Necesitamos aprender a responder menos y decidir m=E1s. Organizamos =20
todos los detalles para una interesante asamblea de seguridad =20
ciudadana en Torre=F3n, Guarenas. Asistimos a la caravana en apoyo al =20
circuito 2 de Miranda (Chacao - Baruta - Hatillo ? Leoncio Mart=EDnez). =20
Fue grato reencontrar al concejal Rafael Del Rosario y compartir =20
memorias de su huelga de hambre durante mis d=EDas iniciales junto a la =20
familia de Voluntad Popular. Seguimos llevando el mensaje de cambio a =20
todas las Comunidades del Circuito 4 del Estado Miranda, incluyendo el =20
sector Villa Esperanza en Parroquia Caucaguita y en las Filas de =20

Repudiamos por completo el comunicado de la Red de Artistas Visuales =20
en Resistencia divulgado por la Bienal del Sur. Aqu=ED el =FAnico =20
imperialismo es el cubano y su narco castrocomunismo. Nos han usado a =20
los artistas como bozal para diseminar esa oprobiosa ideolog=EDa que nos =20
tiene pasando hambre, colas e inseguridad. En la nueva asamblea =20
nacional finalmente obtendremos las herramientas para eyectar =20
finalmente a este oprobioso r=E9gimen neototalitario e ileg=EDtimo. Vendr=E1=
la Mejor Venezuela auspiciada por todos los pa=EDses de bien, incluyendo =20
los queridos Estados Unidos de Am=E9rica. Fuerza y Fe.

Hemos ganado en todos los circuitos de la Gran Caracas. =20
=A1Felicitaciones! Vamos a cambiar para progresar y juntos lo vamos a =20
lograr. A medida que militantes oficialistas se percatan de estar =20
acorralados, tienden a exagerar resentimiento y amenazas futiles. El =20
madurismo qued=F3 como una minor=EDa que tendr=E1 que adaptarse a lo que =20
decidamos quienes conformamos la nueva mayor=EDa. Mientras tanto =20
colapsan los cajeros autom=E1ticos, las transferencias bancarias y el =20
Metro de Caracas. A trav=E9s de Santa en las Calles recopilamos juguetes =20
y los distribuimos en tres viajes en El Milagro de Guatire, Filas de =20
Mariche y en Baruta. Gracias a Dana Andre=EDna en Nueva Casarapa de =20
Guarenas por recibirnos en su hogar y a Maribel Rivetti por formarnos =20
para la propagaci=F3n de redes populares.

Acompa=F1amos al gobernador del estado Miranda Henrique Capriles durante =20
un empinado recorrido hasta la cima de El Nazareno II, donde a pesar =20
de la espectacular y panor=E1mica vista al Valle de Guarenas muchas =20
viviendas est=E1n en zona de riesgo. Se sugiri=F3 a varios vecinos buscar =
terrenos en otra parte para apoyarles en la construcci=F3n de su nueva =20
vivienda. Luego asistimos a la Asamblea Estudiantil de los municipios =20
Plaza y Zamora en el sector Las Rosas de Guatire, donde los muchachos =20
pidieron a los candidatos a diputado Adriana D'Elia, Rafael Guzm=E1n, =20
Manuel Texeira y Gilber Caro abogar para la instalaci=F3n de n=FAcleos =20
universitarios en las ciudades de Guarenas y Guatire. Repartimos dos =20
mil (2000) volantes en el casco de Guarenas. La gente estaba muy =20
pendiente de la tarjeta de la MUD: abajo, a la izquierda, en la =20
esquina la de la manito. El voto duro opositor luc=EDa m=E1s firme que =20
hace pocas semanas. El oficialismo ten=EDa raz=F3n al quejarse que nuestra =
campa=F1a opositora es c=F3moda: bastaba acudir a todas las colas y =20
nuestro mensaje era recibido con entusiasmo en un santiam=E9n.

Cualquiera pod=EDa ser asesinado en plena campa=F1a electoral. Le toc=F3 a =
Luis Manuel D=EDaz. Votar por el oficialismo constituy=F3 complicidad al =20
delito. Llegamos de Menca de Leoni, El Trapichito y El Sam=E1n. No hab=EDa =
presencia de ning=FAn partido de oposici=F3n, s=F3lo del PSUV. No hemos =20
trabajando lo suficiente all=ED: queda cierto madurismo resteado pero la =20
mayor=EDa pendientes de no confundir la manito de la MUD con las trampas =20
de min-unidad. Excelentes activistas del taller de redes populares =20
compartieron sus experiencias en el circuito 5 de Distrito Capital.

Amenazas oficiales se tornaron irrelevantes. Desenchufamos a esa =20
chusma. Se convoc=F3 al Cierre de Campa=F1a de Adriana D'Elia y Rafael =20
Guzm=E1n en la cancha Ingenio de Guatire. En el Movimiento Gremios de =20
Voluntad Popular hemos capacitado a un numeroso grupo de testigos de =20
mesa para garantizar el =F3ptimo funcionamiento del sistema electoral. =20
Adem=E1s, se han dictado talleres sobre delitos electorales a abogados y =20
estudiantes de derecho que intervendr=E1n en caso de presentarse =20
irregularidades en los centros de votaci=F3n. Nutrida y alegre =20
concurrencia en cierre de campa=F1a del Ingenio Guatire, donde Adriana =20
D'Elia autografi=F3 mi gorra de Voluntad Popular Gremios.

Inauguramos la Fundaci=F3n Leopoldo L=F3pez en barrio El Milagro, detr=E1s =
del terminal de Guatire. Hubo transporte desde el Centro Plaza en Los =20
Palos Grandes al mediod=EDa para quienes pudieron acompa=F1arnos. Hubo =20
amedrentamiento contra los testigos de mesa por la MUD por parte de =20
jefes de mesa en Ciudad Bel=E9n, municipio Plaza. Estuvimos pendientes =20
en la zona, votando, movilizando y denunciando irregularidades. La =20
m=E1quina defectuosa que asignaron a la mesa 14 del Colegio San Agust=EDn =
El Marqu=E9s fue sustituida a las 9 am y me llev=F3 horas votar. El voto =20
manual era m=E1s r=E1pido. En 2016 nos ocuparemos debidamente de =20
Barlovento y los Valles del Tuy. Nuestro trabajo sigue siendo =20

Rub=E9n Rivero Capriles
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