UA Exec

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[2321]  =?koi8-r?B?7NXe28nFIN7... =?koi8-r?B?7NXe28nFIMnaIMzV3tvJyCwg3sHT2SDEzNEg09TJzNjO?=
[2322]  Leah Flynn Gallant        Diversity Leadership Retreat for Executive Board members of Clubs
[2323]  Sophia Liu                [UA] Weekly Report to Council
[2324]  Leah Flynn Gallant        Tickets for Fall Festival featuring Chris Hardwick still available!
[2325]  Sophia Liu                Re: [UA] Weekly Report to Council
[2326]  Matthew Davis             Re: [UA] Weekly Report to Council
[2327]  Sophia Liu                [UA] Let's think: Communications Goals
[2328]  Lillian Chin              Re: [UA] Let's think: Communications Goals
[2329]  Sophia Liu                Re: [UA] Let's think: Communications Goals
[2330]  Sophia Liu                [UA] Reminder: fill out council report form ASAP if you have not eom
[2331]  Sophia Liu                Re: [UA] Reminder: fill out council report form ASAP if you have not eom
[2332]  Richard@MIT.EDU           RELY
[2333]  Leah Flynn Gallant        Are you an executive board member of an organization or a student
[2334]  Tamar N Weseley           DV Awareness Month Shirts
[2335]  Sophia Liu                [UA] Council Minutes 10-7
[2336]  Philippa Snare            Winning No: MSFT/5975/107/2015
[2337]  Leah Flynn Gallant        Fwd: Boston Area Community Out of the Darkness Walk
[2338]  Sophia Liu                QPR Training?
[2339]  Sophia Liu                [UA] Important email on Weekly Reports and New Project Management Format
[2340]  Rubén Rivero Capriles ... swing voters / saltos de talanquera
[2341]  GSC President Michael ... Update: Contact Information for GSC