UA Exec

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[2040]  Sophia Liu                [UA Meeting] Wednesday, November 5th, Council AND Exec
[2041]  Allen, Carol J            
[2042]  Sophia Liu                [UA Meeting] Tonight!
[2043]  Sophia Liu                [Action Requested]
[2044]  Leah Flynn Gallant        LeaderShape applications due tomorrow
[2045]  Shoppingol                RIVOLUZIONE nelle vendite e nella pubblicita'
[2046]  Angelika                  =?UTF-8?B?LCBEaWUgQm9vaywgZGllIElociBMZWJlbiB2ZXLDpG5kZXJuIHdpcmQ=?=
[2047]  Chrysonthia A Horne       UA Exec Participation in It's On Us MIT
[2048]  =?windows-1251?B?wujw8... =?windows-1251?B?z+7k6uv+9+jy5SDt7uzl8CA4LTgwMCDn4CAw?=
[2049]  =?windows-1251?B?0e7r6... =?windows-1251?B?UkU6z+7q8+/q4CDw5err4Oz7Lg==?=
[2050]  =?windows-1251?B?xuDw6... =?windows-1251?B?0ODx8fvr6uggc2R4Y3doYQ==?=
[2051]  Chrysonthia A Horne       Re: UA Exec Participation in It's On Us MIT
[2052]  =?windows-1251?B?VklQI... =?windows-1251?B?z/Dl5Ovu5uXt6OUg8Hlrb+Lu5Ojy5ev+LiD3?=
[2053]  Zubin                     offer - analogs of lux watches +and much m0re.   .surprising gift!  a
[2054]  =?windows-1251?B?y+jq4... =?windows-1251?B?y+jq4ujk4Pbo/yDOzs4h?=
[2055]  Chrysonthia A Horne       It's On Us, MIT Kick-Off [LAST DAY]
[2056]  Sophia Liu                [UA Notice] Office Usage
[2057]  Gary Bengtson             
[2058]  =?windows-1251?B?VklQI... =?windows-1251?B?IP3r6PLt++Ug8u7iYfD7ICAr7eXk7vDu4+4g?=
[2059]  =?windows-1251?B?zuHx6... =?windows-1251?B?wOHu7eXt8vHq7uUg7uHx6/Pm6OLg7ejlIOru?=
[2060]  LinkedIn                  Rachel, people are looking at your LinkedIn profile