[4267] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Re[2]: SYN floods (was: does history repeat itself?)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sharif Torpis)
Tue Sep 10 14:30:18 1996

From: "Sharif Torpis" <storpis@pbi.net>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 11:26:08 -0700
In-Reply-To: Alexis Rosen <alexis@panix.com>
        "Re: Re[2]: SYN floods (was: does history repeat itself?)" (Sep 10,  2:07pm)
To: Alexis Rosen <alexis@panix.com>, chuckie@panix.com (Alec H. Peterson)
Cc: pcalhoun@usr.com, nanog@merit.edu, perry@piermont.com

On Sep 10,  2:07pm, Alexis Rosen wrote:
> Subject: Re: Re[2]: SYN floods (was: does history repeat itself?)
> Also true. As I said before, I don't know about the Ascends, but I do know
> that the Xylogics boxes we use have the capability but probably not the
> capacity. When all ports are connected at 28.8, CPU usage can hover in
> the high 80% range. Adding filters would probably be a bad idea.
> That's why I was talking about filtering at a router just upstream from
> the dial-access box.
> FWIW, even with a thousand very busy modems, I'm pretty sure that even a
> small cisco is up to the job. They just don't generate all that much traffic.
>-- End of excerpt from Alexis Rosen

The Ascends can also do this but I agree that you wouldn't want to filter at
the NAS. Logistical reasons are reason enough to filter at an upstream router
where the dialup traffic is aggregated.

Sharif Torpis (storpis@pbi.net)                        \ | /    P A C I F I C
Pacific Bell Internet                                 -->*<--      B E L L
Network Engineering                                    / | \   I N T E R N E T
San Francisco, CA   USA

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