[191709] in North American Network Operators' Group

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Re: Krebs on Security booted off Akamai network after DDoS attack

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Eliot Lear)
Mon Sep 26 01:59:55 2016

X-Original-To: nanog@nanog.org
To: ryan landry <ryan.landry@gmail.com>, Mark Andrews <marka@isc.org>
From: Eliot Lear <lear@cisco.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 07:59:48 +0200
In-Reply-To: <CAK_-TSZGbDaxF+j2B=NtA22kBVwCzi7Dwp_h=8fVXzBkHZUD-A@mail.gmail.com>
Cc: nanog@nanog.org, jtk@aharp.iorc.depaul.edu
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From: Eliot Lear <lear@cisco.com>
To: ryan landry <ryan.landry@gmail.com>, Mark Andrews <marka@isc.org>
Cc: jtk@aharp.iorc.depaul.edu, nanog@nanog.org
Message-ID: <abe06121-b0c2-c6d8-0e61-e2544372e8bb@cisco.com>
Subject: Re: Krebs on Security booted off Akamai network after DDoS attack
 proves pricey
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Hi Ryan,

On 9/25/16 11:50 PM, ryan landry wrote:

> for isp's it's a resourcing vs revenue problem. always has been.=20

Sure.  The question is whether IoT can make a change in consumer
attitudes.  Riek, Bohme, et al have been working on this [1].  And there
is earlier work as well.  What that earlier work shows, by the way, is
that if someone suffers a loss, or even if they know someone who suffers
a loss, they'll become considerably more risk averse towards Internet
technology, to one extent or another.  The Riek analysis doesn't really
take into account IoT, by the way.  It just looks at losses.  But I
think the logic is likely to hold as IoT creates more risks.  The
question is whether the impact will increase, and whether those losses
will motivate market opportunities for SPs.  I think there's a good
chance of that if the solution doesn't involve a vast amount of work on
the consumer's part.

[1] "Estimating the costs of consumer-facing cybercrime: A tailored
instrument and representative data for six EU countries/",

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