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Get a better nights-sleep and wake up-refreshed.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lunexia)
Tue Apr 25 16:41:59 2017

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 16:31:09 -0400
From: Lunexia <lunexia@bestnewsleeponlineinfo.top>
To:   <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>

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     <td colspan=3D"2" id=3D"Hkwjh2t">with Lunexia!</td>=20
     <td height=3D"19" colspan=3D"2" id=3D"Wkxjhgj2t"><p><br /> <span style=
=3D"font-weight: bold">Lunexia</span> is all-natural solution to get deep, =
restful sleep. Not only can you get to sleep-faster AND stay asleep-longer,=
 but you'll wake up feeling rejuvenated, with no-hazy or groggy feeling.</p=
> <p>Almost everyone experiences some issue with sleeping in their life, wh=
ether you have trouble staying asleep, or toss and turn, not being able to =
get to sleep at all, it will affect your overall energy throughout the day.=
</p> <p>Don't just put up with sleepless nights, get the restful sleep that=
 you have always wanted with Lunexia!</p> <p><br /> <span style=3D"font-wei=
ght: bold"><a href=3D"http://www.bestnewsleeponlineinfo.top/analyses-both/576EV86h42eRLfd*guV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW4b3">Go Here to Try Lunexia Right Away</a></sp=
     <td colspan=3D"2" id=3D"kowuieud82"><p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&=
nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&=
nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&=
nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>If you'd rather-=
halt these-sleepads-please <a href=3D"http://www.bestnewsleeponlineinfo.top/omitted-incontrovertibly/684r89tU42hDfAfd*guV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW16c">visit_here</a>.<b=
r /> ..2885 Sanford-Avenue S.W. No.4O442.<br /> Grandville.<br /> MlCHlGAN.=
<br /> ZIP: #494l8.</p> <p>&nbsp; </p></td>=20
     <td colspan=3D"2" id=3D"EEcuwihg2"><p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&n=
bsp; </p> <p>Having Trouble Sleeping? Is there anything more frustrating th=
an spending an entire night listening to the tick of the clock on your beds=
ide table? Restless nights sap people's vitality and zeal for life. Without=
 enough rest, people become more forgetful, have difficulty concentrating, =
become more accident prone, and often feel irritable. While youngsters seem=
 to experience little difficulty sleeping, a solid eight hours of shut-eye =
can become a challenge as the years pass. The need for sleep doesn't change=
 significantly, but the natural aging process, certain chronic conditions, =
and medications all can erode your chances of a good night's rest. Why slee=
p becomes elusive Sleep disorders Good sleep habits Why sleep becomes elusi=
ve With aging, there's less slow-wave, deeper sleep, and older people are m=
ore likely to be awakened by noises in the environment. According to the Na=
tional Sleep Foundation a number of health problems can make sleeping diffi=
cult: Pain People with arthritis may have difficulty falling asleep or stay=
ing asleep because of painful joints. A 1996 Gallup Poll found that 30 perc=
ent of all nighttime pain sufferers experience arthritis pain at night. The=
 number rises to 60 percent for those over age 50. If you suffer from arthr=
itis, ask your doctor about treatment for the pain. In that same poll, back=
 pain, headaches, muscular aches, leg cramps and sinus pain were also cited=
 by those who had nighttime pain. Heartburn Nighttime heartburn is marked b=
y wheezing and chronic cough, with repeated awakenings and daytime sleepine=
ss. Raising the head of the bed may alleviate symptoms, or medication may b=
e needed. Respiratory ailments Asthma, chronic interstitial lung disease, a=
nd various neuromuscular diseases can cause awakening. One study found that=
 74 percent of people with asthma were awakened from sleep in any given wee=
k. Menopause The hot flashes and breathing changes associated with menopaus=
e appear to disturb sleep. In one study, hot flashes were associated with a=
rousals once every eight minutes on average. Medication Ask your doctor or =
pharmacist if your medications can cause insomnia or drowsiness, and if cha=
nging the time the drug is taken could help overcome these problems. Chemic=
al changes Production of the hormone melatonin, which influences sleep and =
wakefulness, decreases with age, just at the time when the likelihood of sl=
eep disorders increases. Sleep disorders The National Center on Sleep Disor=
ders Research estimates that more than 40 million Americans suffer from mor=
e than 80 different sleep disorders and don't know it. Some of the most com=
mon include: </p><p> Insomnia More than half of adults surveyed by the Nati=
onal Sleep Foundation complain of difficulty falling or staying asleep or w=
aking too early. Sleep apnea Noisy, irregular breathing can signal this tre=
atable sleep disorder. In severe cases, the sleeper wakes several hundred t=
imes during the night due to a partial obstruction that temporarily blocks =
air flow. Good sleep habits Go to bed at the same time each night. Reserve =
your bed for sleep and sex. Watch television or read in another room. Avoid=
 caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes, especially in the afternoon and evening.=
 Don't lie in bed watching the clock. If you can't fall asleep within half =
an hour, get up and listen to calming music or read. Exercise 20 to 30 minu=
tes at least three days a week&acirc;??but not too close to bedtime. Limit =
naps and don't nap longer than 30 minutes. Take a walk outside during the d=
ay. Sleep in a cool, quiet, dark room. Wear earplugs or eyeshades to block =
out light and sound. Sleep on good bedding. Limit drinking liquids a few ho=
urs before bedtime. Don't go to bed hungry or overstuffed; both may cause p=
hysical discomfort. Save scary movies, strenuous exercise, and serious fami=
ly discussions for daytime. Remember that sleep is a necessity, not a commo=
dity. It's as much a part of overall health as good nutrition and regular e=
xercise So don't settle for two to three hours per night. Draw yourself a b=
ath, pour a glass of warm milk, crawl into a comfortable bed, don your earp=
lugs, and turn off all the lights. You deserve it. And call your doctor if =
you need help. </p><p> Sleep is the foundation of good health, including yo=
ur mental health. A poor night's sleep starts the day off at a deficit. It'=
s like a boxer fighting with one hand tied behind his back. The problem is =
that most people don't know what's causing their poor sleep. They may think=
 it's stress, or feeling over-worked, or troubles in a relationship. All of=
 those things could very well contribute to a poor night's sleep. But an ov=
erlooked aspect of poor sleep is the proliferation of computer screens in o=
ur daily lives. Your phone, TV or computer may be the cause of your sleeple=
ssness. Melatonin is an important component in our body's physiology. The p=
ineal gland in the brain secretes melatonin, a hormone that influences circ=
adian rhythms. And circadian rhythms are a key component to balance in our =
lives and our sleep patterns. If you mess up your circadian rhythm, you mes=
s up your sleep. That's why when you fly across many time zones, you feel o=
ut of whack for a day or two until your body resets itself. Those are your =
circadian rhythms righting themselves. Blue light from computer and phone s=
creens appears to suppress melatonin production at night, which in turn con=
fuses your circadian rhythms (Brainard, et al. 2001; Czeisler, 2013). We've=
 previously discussed research showing that the light from e-readers may ha=
rm the quality of your sleep. Artificial lighting in general can impact you=
r sleep patterns. Rat studies have also come to the same result: light at n=
ight or before bedtime impacts your sleep patterns. There's now little doub=
t among researchers that a link exists between screen exposure at night and=
 sleep quality. The data from many small-scale studies all point to the sam=
e relationship between light before or during bedtime and disrupted sleep. =
Light from electronic devices &acirc;?? whether it's from your phone, a TV =
screen, a tablet or your computer, even as long as three hours before bedti=
me &acirc;?? will make it harder for you to get to sleep, or harm your slee=
p quality.</p></td>=20
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