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Get rid of your ugly, yellow-nails FAST with Fungaway.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Fungaway)
Mon Apr 24 12:24:33 2017

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 14:14:16 -0400
From: Fungaway <fungaway@nailfungusonlinesolutions.com>
To:   <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>

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       <a href=3D"http://www.nailfungusonlinesolutions.com/abb86Dl3daSve9oguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW110/anxiously-thunderbolts"><img src=3D"http://www.nailfungusonlinesolutions.com/7917ssaE.3dcgIe9RguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW9be/generally-Bairn" width=3D"208" height=
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     <td id=3D"Ysju2jhw">Say-Goodbye to Cracked, Ugly, Yellow-Nails!</td>=
     <td id=3D"Tsyuiy2u"><br /> Dear mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu,<br /></td>=
     <td id=3D"Ujsi2uwh"><p><br /> Have you been searching for a way to get=
 rid-of your cracked, yellow nails? Fungaway is the top solution for gettin=
g-rid of nail fungus. It is safe, effective and fast and is being called th=
e TOP nail-fungus solution of 2017.</p> <p>Quit-putting up with nail-fungus=
 or trying to keep it hidden. Fungaway is an all-natural solution for nail-=
fungus that contains no harsh-chemicals and doesn't require any costly-trip=
s to the doctor.</p> <p><br /> <span style=3D"font-weight: bold"><a href=3D=
"http://www.nailfungusonlinesolutions.com/abb86Dl3daSve9oguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW110/anxiously-thunderbolts">Go Here to Get Fungaway Right Now</a></span></p></td>=20
     <td id=3D"Eush87y2"><p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&n=
bsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&n=
bsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&n=
bsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>If you'd rather.n=
ot.receive future-fungusads-please <a href=3D"http://www.nailfungusonlinesolutions.com/1b58TA93VdbUe9mguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONWb42/rumpled-overproduction">visit-her=
e</a>.<br /> ...2885 Sanford-Avenue SouthWest #4O442.<br /> Grandville.<br =
/> Michigan - ZIP:#49418.</p> <p>&nbsp; </p></td>=20
     <td id=3D"Suu72uhs"><p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <p>Pa=
ranoychia or onychomycosis are most often seen in toenail fungus infections=
 Although a mild infection in the early stages may cause little to no disc=
omfort, with the only visible symptoms being toenail discoloration, black o=
r thick toenails and crumbling of the nails it is absolutely essential for =
you to begin toenail fungus treatment immediately. The treatment of toenail=
 fungus with tea tree oil or toenail fungus home remedies can help signific=
antly in these early stages but these home remedies are no substitute for m=
edical treatment as the results vary greatly. For an effective toenail fung=
us cure it would be best to employ a combination of medical treatments and =
toenail fungus home remedies. Fungal infections are common on both fingerna=
ils and toenails. Toenail fungus also known as onychomycosis is caused by a=
 group of fungus called dermatophytes. These fungus are harmful because as =
they grow they feed on the keratin that makes up the surface of the toe nai=
l. The two fingers that are more likely to be affected are the big toe and =
the little toe. The big toe and the little toe are in fact the most suscept=
ible to paronychia, which is an infection of the soft tissue around the nai=
l. Toenail fungus causes disfiguration and discoloration of the nails. It i=
s a contagious disease and some times it may be hereditary. Paronychia and =
onycholysis are common toenail problems and may require medical assistance =
if they have been neglected. Some of the popular treatments involve treatin=
g the condition with black toenail fungus home remedies like bleach and hyd=
rogen peroxide. The use of bleach for toenail fungus is quite popular as a =
foot fungus remedy. The use of baking soda for toenail fungus or fingernail=
 fungus and skin fungus is also very popular and there are plenty of nail f=
ungus baking soda remedies. The best home remedies for toenail fungus treat=
ment are also not a sure bet however as there are no instant or fast home r=
emedies for toenail fungus. If for some reason you cannot seek medical atte=
ntion and toenail fungus home treatments are necessary then it would be bes=
t to try nail fungus treatment with over the counter nail fungus medication=
s and applications. If you have done a search and browsed through pictures =
of nail fungus you will probably have noticed that there are various types =
of nail fungus and nail disorders, making nail care so important. Fungal in=
fections are not just limited to the skin however and a toe fungus or cutic=
le fungus could also leave you at an increased risk of developing other fun=
gal infections like skin fungus, finger fungus, or scalp fungus. Symptoms o=
f Toe Nail Fungus There are plenty of images and pictures of toenail fungus=
 available on the internet, and looking through these toenail fungus pictur=
es should give you some idea of the appearance of the condition.</p></td>=
     <td id=3D"SXywid82"><p>Symptoms of toenail fungus are quite obvious. T=
he affected nail will get yellow or brown in colour. It may become so thick=
 and overgrown that it may be painful to wear shoes. Foul-smelling debris m=
ay get accumulated under the nail. The signs of toenail fungus are actually=
 not hard to recognize as the foul odor emanating from the toenails is some=
thing that cannot be ignored. The nail may crumble and eventually fall off.=
 Toenail discoloration is not uncommon either. Streaks or spots can be seen=
 down the side of the nails of the affected person. Thick toenails or black=
 toenails may not be your typical toenail fungus symptoms, but could at tim=
es be indicative of a paronychia or toenail fungus infections. Ingrown toen=
ails, although not necessarily symptomatic of toenail fungus, should also b=
e treated promptly as there are plenty of effective and inexpensive ingrown=
 toenail remedies. An infected ingrown toenail can become a very serious pr=
oblem as it may require surgery if it is neglected. You can always ask your=
 doctor for information on how to get rid of an ingrown toenail.</p> <p>The=
 thickening and discoloration of nails is usually caused by toenail fungus =
that occurs when a microscopic fungus either enters a toenail or fingernail=
 Neglecting the condition poses the risk of an ingrown toenail infection, =
as well as other conditions like paronychia, onychomycosis, and onycholysis=
 among others. Toenail fungus treatment helps to control the infection and =
prevents further damage to the toenail. This also shortens the recovery per=
iod. Home remedies for toenail fungus get rid of the fungus causing the inf=
ection, without damaging the toenail. Causes of Toe Nail Fungus A lack of p=
ersonal hygiene can be another major contributing factor, as wearing socks =
and shoes for prolonged periods creates the perfect environment for fungal =
growth - a moist and warm habitat. Sharing footwear and other personal item=
s also poses a significant risk. There are various factors that could contr=
ibute to or aggravate the condition and these include imbalances in the pH =
levels, a lack of personal hygiene ? sharing footwear, walking bare footed =
in public pools, baths or gyms, not drying off the feet thoroughly after ba=
thing or exercise, and decreased immunity. Staying in sweaty shoes and sock=
s for prolonged periods or failing to change your socks frequently enough a=
lso increases the risk of a toenail fungus infection as fungi are known to =
thrive in moist and warm conditions. You may get affected by the toenail fu=
ngus in damp areas such as public gyms, shower stalls or swimming pools. To=
e nail fungus can spread from one toe to another or to other body parts. At=
hletes and people who give trauma to their toe by wear tight-fitting shoes =
or tight hosiery are at great risk of toe nail fungus. Other reasons may be=
 abnormal pH level of the skin, not drying off the feet thoroughly after ba=
thing or exercise, and decreased immunity. Tea tree oil is a potent natural=
 antiseptic and fungicide that will help fight your fungus. Apply undiluted=
 tea tree oil with olive oil to the affected toe nail. Alternatively you ca=
n put few drops of tea tree oil on toenails and rub it thoroughly every day=
 Onychomycosis treatment with tea tree oil is often recommended for mild t=
o moderate cases of Onychomycosis. It is recommended that you mix equal qua=
ntities of olive oil, thyme oil, and tea tree oil and apply this blend of o=
il to the affected nail. Allow it to remain on for 10 -15 minutes and then =
use a toothbrush to gently scrub the affected nail. This ensures that the o=
il covers the nail completely and also gets under the nails. Scrubbing the =
affected nail gently also helps to slough off the uppermost layer of the na=
il which generally contains most of the fungus. In order to get rid of toen=
ail fungus completely, you will need to continue using tea tree oil for a f=
ew weeks after the infection has cleared. This is because there may still b=
e remnants of the fungus which may be embedded deep within the nail or the =
nail bed. In order to make a definite diagnosis of Onychomycosis, the docto=
r or podiatrist may recommend a potassium hydroxide smear test. The doctor =
may also suggest creams containing terbinafine if the infection is severe.<=
/p> <p>&nbsp; </p></td>=20
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 <img src=3D"http://www.nailfungusonlinesolutions.com/bagatelles-Sheppard/17ar85r3Gddse9GguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONWdb8" alt=3D""/></body>


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