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Stunning - Ellen announces she leaving her show

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Katie Vanloan)
Fri Mar 24 18:16:33 2017

Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 19:54:22 -0400
From: Katie Vanloan <vanloan-katie@morebellanow.com>
To:   <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>

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Special Update:

Ellen has canceled all her remaining by tell her audience she's finished live on air

It all went down like this

This message-is an-ad and we may receive compensation-for your actions
Submitting your email on this page will approve your elimination from our database ofhttp://www.morebellanow.com/d13F8K6z2c3t77iguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONWb42/collapse-exasperate subcribers

Take off your information from our index by submitting your preference nowhttp://www.morebellanow.com/d13pE892MIc4u77FguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW657/voucher-legislative
Hall Neiland [ 222 W Lee St Mineral Springs Ar - 71851-9115

and pious prince, mortally wounded at the battle of Merton. It was Alfreds memorable struggle with the Danes which gave to him his military fame. When he ascended the throne these barbarians had gained a foothold, and in a few years nearly the whole of England was in their hands. Wave followed wave in the dreadful invasion; fleet after fleet and army after army was destroyed, and the Saxons were driven nearly to despair; for added to the evils of pillage and destruction were pestilence and famine, the usual attendants of desolating wars. 

It was one hundred and fourteen years after the death of the venerable Bede before Alfred was born, A.D. 849, the youngest son of Aethelwulf, king of Wes, who united under his rule all the Saxon kingdoms. The mother of Alfred was Osburgha, a German princess of extraordinary force of character. From her he received, at the age of four, the first rudiments of education, and learned to 

this union descended the Conquerors wife Matilda. Thus the present royal family of England can trace a direct descent through William the Conqueror, Alfred, and Charlemagne, and is allied by blood, remotely indeed, with most of the reigning princes of Europe. The three elder brothers of Alfred reigned successively over Wes,to whom all England owned allegiance. It was during their short reigns that the great invasion of the Danes took place, which reduced the whole island to 

In the year 878 the heroic leader of the disheartened people was compelled to hide himself, with a few faithful followers, in the forest of Selwood, amid the marshes of Somersetshire. Yet Alfreda fugitivesucceeded at last in rescuing his kingdom of Wes from the dominion of Pagan barbarians, and restoring it to a higher state of prosperity than it had ever attained before. He preserved both Christianity and civilization. For these exalted services he is called the Great; 

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  <title>from this angle</title>=20
  <dl style=3D"height: 570px; width: 480px; background-color: rgba(231,139,=
86,1.00); position: relative; top:-20px; margin-left: 35px; font-family: Gi=
ll Sans, Gill Sans MT, Myriad Pro, DejaVu Sans Condensed, Helvetica, Arial,=
' sans-serif'">=20
   <dd style=3D"background-color: #fff; display: inline-block; margin: 15px=
; margin-top: 25px; padding: 14px; font-weight: bolder">
    Special Update:
    <img src=3D"http://www.morebellanow.com/4a37.aWs2c5S77XguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW746/collapse-exasperate" alt=3D"why is that" width=3D"100%" />
   <dt style=3D"background-color: #fff; padding: 9px; font-size: 19pt">
    Ellen has canceled all her remaining=20
    <a href=3D"http://www.morebellanow.com/inheres-breveted/1b6G86_yP2Hc2B77vguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONWf22">by tell her audience she's finished</a> live on =
   <a href=3D"http://www.morebellanow.com/inheres-breveted/1b6G86_yP2Hc2B77vguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONWf22" style=3D"text-decoration: none">=20
    <dt style=3D"padding: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 22pt; color:=
 #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba(148,148,148,1);=20
     It all went down like this
   <dt style=3D"background-color: #fff">=20
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />=20
    <blockquote style=3D"font-size: small">
     This message-is an-ad and we may receive compensation-for your actions
     <br />=20
     <a href=3D"http://www.morebellanow.com/287.86z2cO3I77HguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW3c2/collapse-exasperate">Submitting your =
email on this page</a> will approve your =
elimination from our database of subcribers
    <br />=20
    <blockquote style=3D"font-size: small">
      Take off your information from our index b=
     <a href=3D"http://www.morebellanow.com/d13pE892MIc4u77FguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW657/voucher-legislative">submitting your =
preference now</a>
     <br /> Hall Neiland [ 222 W Lee St Mineral Springs Ar - 71851-9115
    <br />
    <br />=20
    <blockquote style=3D"font-size: xx-small; color: #666">
      and pious prince, mortally wounded at the battle of Merton. It was Alfreds memorable struggle with the Danes which gave to him his military fame. When he ascended the throne these barbarians had gained a foothold, and in a few years nearly the whole of England was in their hands. Wave followed wave in the dreadful invasion; fleet after fleet and army after army was destroyed, and the Saxons were driven nearly to despair; for added to the evils of pillage and destruction were pestilence and famine, the usual attendants of desolating wars.=20
    <blockquote style=3D"font-size: xx-small; color: #666">
      It was one hundred and fourteen years after the death of the venerable Bede before Alfred was born, A.D. 849, the youngest son of Aethelwulf, king of Wes, who united under his rule all the Saxon kingdoms. The mother of Alfred was Osburgha, a German princess of extraordinary force of character. From her he received, at the age of four, the first rudiments of education, and learned to=20
    <blockquote style=3D"font-size: xx-small; color: #666">
      this union descended the Conquerors wife Matilda. Thus the present royal family of England can trace a direct descent through William the Conqueror, Alfred, and Charlemagne, and is allied by blood, remotely indeed, with most of the reigning princes of Europe. The three elder brothers of Alfred reigned successively over Wes,to whom all England owned allegiance. It was during their short reigns that the great invasion of the Danes took place, which reduced the whole island to=20
    <blockquote style=3D"font-size: xx-small; color: #666">
      In the year 878 the heroic leader of the disheartened people was compelled to hide himself, with a few faithful followers, in the forest of Selwood, amid the marshes of Somersetshire. Yet Alfreda fugitivesucceeded at last in rescuing his kingdom of Wes from the dominion of Pagan barbarians, and restoring it to a higher state of prosperity than it had ever attained before. He preserved both Christianity and civilization. For these exalted services he is called the Great;=20
  </dl>  =20
 <img src=3D"http://www.morebellanow.com/269v8B5g2c6KO77pguV_VKxw_gVsFMtKlihzguVzONW909/Salvador-Ellison" alt=3D""/></body>


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