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We're all in big TROUBLE

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mark Cuban on Forbes)
Thu Oct 27 16:19:11 2016

Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 13:37:16 -0700
From: "Mark Cuban on Forbes" <markcubanonforbes@haveeverincome.com>	
To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>	

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      <td style="font-family:Georgia; padding:12px"><h4>If you have less then 100k in cash your in trouble and need to see this<br>

<p align="center"><img src="http://inio.haveeverincome.com"></p><br><center>
<a href="http://nowis.haveeverincome.com" style="align-items: flex-start ; background-attachment: scroll ; background-clip: border-box ; background-color: rgb(6, 158, 236) ; background-image: none ; background-origin: padding-box ; background-position-x: 0% ; background-position-y: 0% ; background-repeat-x: ; background-repeat-y: ; background-size: auto ; border-bottom-color: rgb(0, 137, 197) ; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px ; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px ; border-bottom-style: solid ; border-bottom-width: 3px ; border-image-outset: 0px ; border-image-repeat: stretch ; border-image-slice: 100% ; border-image-source: none ; border-image-width: 1 ; border-left-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) ; border-left-style: none ; border-left-width: 0px ; border-right-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) ; border-right-style: none ; border-right-width: 0px ; border-top-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) ; border-top-left-radius: 5px ; border-top-right-radius: 5px ; border-top-style: none ; border-top-width: 0px ; box-sizing: border-box ; color: rgb(255, 255, 255) ; cursor: pointer ; display: inline-block ; font-family: Verdana ; font-size: 19.6544px ; font-stretch: normal ; font-style: normal ; font-variant-caps: normal ; font-variant-ligatures: normal ; font-variant-numeric: normal ; font-weight: bold ;  letter-spacing: normal ; margin-bottom: 0px ; margin-left: 0px ; margin-right: 0px ; margin-top: 0px ; padding-bottom: 12.8px ; padding-left: 12px ; padding-right: 12px ; padding-top: 12.8px ; text-align: center ; text-indent: 0px ; text-rendering: auto ; text-shadow: none ; text-transform: uppercase ; width: 350px ; word-spacing: 0px ; writing-mode: horizontal-tb ; -webkit-appearance: none ; -webkit-border-image: none ; text-decoration:none">Mark Cuban explains</a></center>
In the wake of all the news this may sound extremely crazy</td>

<div style="width:568px; border-bottom:solid 8px #EFEFEF;  font-size:21px; font-family:georgia" align="left"><br>
<a style="padding-left:15px" href="http://nowis.haveeverincome.com">You need watch-this</a><br><br>
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      <td style="visibility:collapse">Leo could totally relate. He wanted to scream that hed lost his mom too. His whole life had been one misery after another. Hed lost his dragon Festus. Hed nearly killed himself trying to finish the Argo II. Now hed fired on the Roman camp most likely started a war and maybe lost the trust of his friends.

Right now he said trying to control his anger all I want is some Celestial bronze.

Oh thats easy Nemesis said. Its just over the rise. Youll find it with the sweethearts.

Wait Hazel said. What sweethearts

Nemesis popped a cookie in her mouth and swallowed it fortune and all. Youll see. Perhaps they will teach you a lesson Hazel Levesque. Most heroes cannot escape their nature even when given a second chance at life. She smiled. And speaking of your brother Nico you dont have much time. Lets seeits June twentyfifth Yes after today six more days. Then he dies along with the entire city of Rome.
      <td align="right">Take action and <a href="http://noam.haveeverincome.com">no longer recieve these messages anymore</a> - thanks<br>Vincent	Nieland. 	3015 Columbus St	Muskogee	Ok	74401-5138
      <hr color="#333">
No more incoming messages will be delivered. <a href="http://lineis.haveeverincome.com">Just tell us</a><br>
547 S 7th St #473, Bismarck, ND 58504</td>
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