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Have a wild romp for hours in the bedroom

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Drew Conner)
Thu Oct 27 12:30:37 2016

Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 09:42:43 -0700
From: "Drew Conner" <drewconner@thevigorpill.com>	
To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>	

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      <td style="font-size:20px"><h1>Guy Talk <span style="background-color:#A03B3C; padding:7px;box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);"><strong style="color:#fff; font-size:20px">Having fun in the bedroom this weekend</strong></span></h1><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td style="font-size:17px">Please the women in your life with the only thing every man must take<br>
 <a href="http://steacs.thevigorpill.com">You will get her off over and over and over again</a><br><br>
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    <p style="background-color:#666666; font-size:12px"><cite style="color:#666666">He needs to eat Hazel explained. He likes gold but Gold Leo asked. Hell settle for grass. Go on Arion. Thanks for the ride. Ill call you. Just like that the horse was gonenothing left but a steaming trail across the lake. Fast horse Leo said and expensive to feed. Not really Hazel said. Gold is easy for me. Leo raised his eyebrows. How is gold easy Please tell me youre not related to King Midas. I dont like that guy. Hazel pursed her lips as if she regretted raising the subject. Never mind. That made Leo even more curious but he decided it might be better not to press her. He knelt and cupped a handful of white sand. Wellone problem solved anyway. This is lime. Hazel frowned. The whole beach Yeah. See The granules are perfectly round. Its not really sand. Its calcium carbonate. Leo pulled a Ziploc bag from his tool belt and dug his hand into the lime. Suddenly he froze. He remembered all the times the earth goddess Gaea had appeared to him in the groundher sleeping face made of dust or sand or dirt. She loved to taunt him. He imagined her closed eyes and her dreaming smile swirling in the white calcium. Walk away little hero Gaea said. Without you the ship cannot be fixed. Leo Hazel asked. You okay He took a shaky breath. Gaea wasnt here. He was just freaking himself out. Yeah he said. Yeah fine. He started to fill the bag. Hazel knelt next to him and helped. We shouldve brought a pail and shovels. The idea cheered Leo up. He even smiled. We couldve made a sand castle. A lime castle. Their eyes locked for a second too long.</cite><br>
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