[83802] in Discussion of MIT-community interests

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mr.Alexis Azuceca P.)
Fri Jul 1 03:53:40 2016

Reply-To: <apandara65@gmail.com>
From: "Mr.Alexis Azuceca P."<alexpand94@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 08:54:06 -0700

Please note that your details came from Banking Data Services ltd, They are a consulting Firm to
my client bank,Inversis Banco,in Spain.They helped in conducting a standard process
verification involving my client who has one of his names same as yours on an investments
made at Inversis Banco, Spain.

The Inversis Banco Private Banking client died intestate and did not nominate a heir to
the investments.

Consequent on the above, I am requesting that you confirm the following inquiries:

(i). Are you aware of any relative/relation having the same surname, whose last
known contact address was Madrid,Spain?

(ii). Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person
at the Inversis Banco?

(iii). If the above is correct, Can you assume the status of the heir to the deceased?

At this point, you do appreciate that I am constrained from providing you with more
detailed information. All correspondence should please be directed to my private email
address below.

Thanks for the anticipated response to this inquiry.Reply through the below email for privacy.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.Azuceca A.Pandara,
E-mail: azulexis@hotmail.com

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