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6-minute morning routine FLATTENS your belly (eat THIS, do THAT)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (6 Minutes To Skinny)
Sun May 29 07:10:20 2016

Date: Sun, 29 May 2016 07:10:16 -0400
To: mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu
From: 6 Minutes To Skinny <6minutestoskinny@bestskinny.pro>
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 "6-Minute Skinny" System Sweeps the Nation
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 This is crazy&#8230;
 &#8230;researchers have just discovered an unusual secret that allows men and women to melt away stubborn belly fat in just 6 minutes per day.
 (And it's not 6 minutes of exercise either!)
 At the link below, you'll discover exactly what we learned during our investigation of this amazing 6-Minutes to Skinny system. Some people are actually calling it the "Holy Grail" of fat loss.
 You'll see how you can get started today right here:
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<b>Click here for the Controversial "6-Minutes to Skinny" Secret</b></a>
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