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Take Advantage, of great savings, On security

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Surveillance Camera Specials)
Wed Jul 29 16:04:30 2015

To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 13:04:27 -0700
From: "Surveillance Camera Specials" <SurveillanceCameraSpecials@masterlearning.review>

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<p>which he performed the part of king-maker, he did not see that he had made a blunder. The dynasty he had enthroned persisted for fifteen years in  VMVFPFKBW 
excluding him from power. After 1830 he regrets that he had forgotten Fox’s saying that the worst sort of Revolution is a Restoration. When Madame de  NNVJ 
Lieven affected surprise that the man who had crowned Louis the Eighteenth should appear in London as the plenipotentiary of Louis Philippe, he  ALO 
replied that the King he served would 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee have been the choice of Alexander in 1814. 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee They do 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee not seem to have remembered who it was that prevented it. </p>
<p align="right" style="font: 15px;">[414] XIV: THE LIFE OF LORD HOUGHTON1? To the present generation the name of Lord Houghton represents, in the apt terms of his biographer, a social moderator and leisured literary expert.  MOVQXTQ 
But the original Monckton Milnes was known as something more than this, as a serious and effective writer and a busy and apparently dissatisfied  RCMJMVHU 
politician. Mr. Wemyss Reid renders full justice to him in his earlier character. Lingering survivors will prefer the anticipated judgment of  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
posterity, and 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee will be TTQ ALYMMX inclined to think less of his real success in literature or his supposed disappointment in politics than of those 
qualities which made him the centre of a vast circle of friends, and gave him a singular and brilliant position at the point where CAUND letters, politics, </p>
<BR><BR><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 8px;"></span>
<p align="left">and society met. He was the son of a country gentleman, who, having refused to GDPWB be Chancellor of the Exchequer at twenty-five, lived to decline IXX the offer of a YRAND peerage 
forty-seven years later. The remainder of his career does not maintain the level of his lofty abnegation. In early youth he convinced both friends and  OLKMIGDIR 
rivals that he was equal to the best of his contemporaries; but 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee<I>he never afterwards cared to live up to that reputation. A remark of Lord Palmerston</I>
on his second speech in the House of 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee Commons, a remark of his own, after EWEDYGXNJ following the army from Brussels to Paris, to the effect that the Prussians 
were of no use at all at 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee Waterloo, make it doubtful whether his early fame or his later obscurity was better earned. He became a 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee man of [415] 
pleasure, seldom losing a thousand at a sitting, but thinking five hundred pounds a reasonable price for the waistcoats of the year. Mr. Wemyss Reid,  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
who produces the father as a foil to the son, says, in allusion to this item of account, that pemberton milnes was “not altogether hi from the  GSBFVJF 
spirit of dandyism.” This felicity of understatement and sobriety of colour is one of his merits as a biographer. He used to be a guest at Fryston, and  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
writes as a personal friend. His best act of friendship is the lucid good sense with which TKWTBC he hiigns the just proportions to his hero, marking LMMXUSB the </p>
<BR><span style="font-family: sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 7px; color: #ffffff;"></span>
<p align="right">limit and the drawback, and indulging in no word of praise that will not amply be confirmed by all who remember him. The elder Milnes, who died in 1858, did not transmit his parliamentary  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
talent to his son, and was disposed to look down on him for FKICQN spoiling his political position with desultory literature. But there was a wayward 
instability and fastidiousness which seems to have run in the blood. The son never threw away such a chance or EXLTJTML 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee deceived the expectation of others, .</p>














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