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80% Off On Your Electric Bill Using Thin Air

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Strings Motor)
Mon Jul 6 06:03:59 2015

Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 01:40:25 -0700
From: "Strings Motor" <strings-motor@dogideasite.com>
To:   <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>

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80% Off On Your Electric Bill Using Thin Air


Update Preferences- http://www.dogideasite.com/c418.6oi1Y0f0hvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWe10/if

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   <h3><strong><a href="http://www.dogideasite.com/b1586OW10ebjhvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWac7/room">80% Off On Your Electric Bill Using Thin Air</a></strong></h3> 
   <div style="font-family:Helvetica, 'DejaVu Sans Condensed', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;        font-size:18px;        margin:30px auto 0;        max-width:640px;        width:90%"> 
    <h1 align="center" style="font-family:Helvetica, Haettenschweiler, 'Franklin Gothic Bold', 'Arial Black', sans-serif;        font-size:44px;        color:#C00;        font-weight:bold;         text-transform: capitalize;        ">The massive cover-up that<br /> <span style="color: black">is Stoping millions from cutting their power<br /> bills by 80%...</span></h1> 
    <p>If you didn' t watch this INCENDIARY broadcast yet, then it will take you by complete surprise.</p> 
    <h2 style="text-transform: capitalize;         color:#0000EE">The big energy fat cats almost started another war for not making it public.</h2> 
    <img alt="" border="0" height="auto" src="http://www.dogideasite.com/c5f7IaG10eUehvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWb99/better" style="float:left;        margin-right:20px;        margin-bottom:10px;        max-width:380px" width="100%" /> 
    <p>&quot; CRAZY&quot; scientist uncovers one of the biggest secrets of the mankind...</p> 
    <p>While he was working on a secret project, he discovered a method so powerful... <a href="http://www.dogideasite.com/b1586OW10ebjhvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWac7/room"><span style="color: #0000EE;         font-weight: bold;         text-decoration: underline">that it can cut anyone' s electric bill by more than 80%.</span></a></p> 
    <p>It' s the same device that <a href="http://www.dogideasite.com/b1586OW10ebjhvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWac7/room"><span style="color: #0000EE;         text-decoration: underline">was used with great success by the US navy to propel their ships for millions of miles... without any fuel...</span></a></p> 
    <p align="center" style="color:#0000EE;         font-size:36px;         text-transform: capitalize;        "><a href="http://www.dogideasite.com/b1586OW10ebjhvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWac7/room"><u><strong>Watch Unveiling video now</strong></u></a></p> 
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     <span style="color:#FFF !important"><a href="http://www.dogideasite.com/better/cbauz8610eZchvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONW905" style="color:#FFF;        text-decoration:none;        ">Update Preferences</a><br /> <br /> 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, U.K.</span>
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   <br /> &nbsp; 
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    <a href="http://www.dogideasite.com/6298F9D10edBhvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONW86f/if" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.dogideasite.com/a437hxaR10SefhvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONWd7a/took" /></a>
   </center> <img src="http://www.dogideasite.com/took/9ae-W8510f1hvVdVKyxdhVtFMuKmji0hvV0ONW3a0" />
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