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Learn About.. Your refi Options with new HARP program

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mortgage Quotes)
Sun May 24 14:02:26 2015

Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 14:02:05 -0400
From: "Mortgage Quotes" <MortgageQuotes@anciple.eu>
To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>

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<p align="right">curious to reflect how little the two standards of right do, as 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee a matter of fact, correspond. In a great many instances which might be pointed 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee out, 
public sentiment condemns and 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee rigorously represses one particular form of hurtful action, while it condones or approves deeds of a parallel nature 
equally against the greatest-happiness principle. Prevailing moral sentiments seem to be founded on no nice appreciation of comparative evil  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee </p>
<BR><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Courier New, Times New Roman, Arial; font-size: 8px;"></span>
<p align="right" style="font: 9px;">and comparative good. It has often struck me that 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee the English people are under some misapprehensions about their national virtues. Long ago they abolished 
public lotteries, and a lottery wheel is now considered a wicked and demoralising thing, except in its rather ominous connection with the sale  YJCCUH 
of works of art. But though lottery wheels are abolished, they tolerate the [218] existence of a betting system as demoralising as any lotteries which  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
ever were 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee held. It is true that there 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee are laws against betting in public, which save the national conscience in some degree; but everyone is aware 
that the nation 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee deliberately ignores the existence 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee of betting rings among its own aristocratic governors, and does not make earnest 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee efforts to </p>
<p align="right">suppress the practice. the english 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee hil their superior virtue, again, in the matter of slavery. They set the world the example of abolishing this odious thing; the very 
name of slavery cannot be<I>endured in England. When it became known that certain South Sea Islanders were</I>being kidnapped occasionally, and carried  XSAU 
into some sort of slavery<U>in Queensland, the Government took prompt and effectual measures against this</U>abominable practice; but when it was stated  FIJ 
that the Australian aborigines in the north of Queensland were being shot like kangaroos, or poisoned wholesale by strychnine, one solitary member of  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
parliament went so far as to ask the Government whether this was true. The Government replied that they did not know, but would make inquiries, and  TCFFUCXGO 
nothing more has been heard of the matter to the present day. Accounts which I have heard XJOMSJKJ of the proceedings in the border districts of Queensland 
are simply dreadful. These accounts may or may not be true,* HLSJOO and I should not like to vouch for them; but the point is that English society, 
though it runs wild about surrendering a 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee fugitive SMJSK slave, has never cared even to 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee ascertain whether or not scores of the Australian natives are shot </p>
<BR><span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 7px; color: #ffffff;"></span>
<p>like kangaroos, or poisoned by strychnine, like the native dogs. The most remarkable, however, of all such cases of disproportionate [219]  7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee 
moral sentiment is found in the case of cruelty to animals. In this respect, again, the English are preeminently a 7ea99ed1b6714702bd5343b786c98bee virtuous people. Less 
advanced or, it QDTLFBSBF QJTQUI may be, degenerate nations EOUQACDSN still indulge in savage sports like bull-fighting. I remember that a kind of thrill of horror went through 
the newspapers when RJIGUD it was once reported that the Empress Eugénie had attended a bull-fight. Long ago the English abolished such a brutal 
practice as bull-baiting, which is now only a matter of history. It is pleasing to hear of the intelligence QMGM and success with which the police .</p>















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