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Find Affordable Tech Solutions >> Cloud Computing Storage Software

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Cloud Technology)
Sat Apr 18 03:02:24 2015

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Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 00:02:18 -0700
From: "Cloud Technology" <CloudTechnology@necessor.us>

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<font color="white" size="1">NEW YORK  A U.S. congressman from New York says three security 
contractors, including two Americans, have been released by Iraqi Army forces after 
they were held for more than two weeks.Republican Peter King announced the 
releases of the men Tuesday. He identifies them as an Army veteran 
from Long Island, a former National Guardsman from Savannah,Ga., and a man 
from Fiji. He says they were working for a security firm when 
Iraqi Ministry of Defense officials rejected paperwork prepared on their behalf by 
the IraqiMinistry of Interior and held them Dec. 9.The men weren't charged 
with any crimes. King says they were released Tuesday after efforts by 
his office, the State Department, the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, the DefenseDepartment 
and the White House.


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<font color="white" size="1">ge number of vehicles and army jeeps.After showing taped footage of mourners 
and documentaries of Kim Jong Il, state TV began airing the procession, 
showing cars moving slowly through the snowy city, led by a limousine 
carrying a huge portrait of a smiling Kim Jong Il.Wednesday's procession had 
a stronger military presence than 1994.Kim Jong Il, who ushered in a 
"military first" era when he took power, celebrated major occasions with lavish, 
meticulously choreographed parades designed to show off the nation's military might, such 
as the October 2010 display when he introduced his son to the 
world.Kim Jong Un was made a four-star general and appointed a vice 
chairman of the Central Military Commission of the ruling Workers' Party last 
year.After the funeral, the young Kim is expected to cement his power 
by formally assuming command of the 1.2 million-strong military, and becoming general 
secretary of the Workers' Party and chairman of the party's Central Military
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