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Turn your backyard into a hummingbird playground

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (The Hummingbird Vine)
Fri Apr 17 23:02:02 2015

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 20:01:58 -0700
To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>
From: "The Hummingbird Vine" <TheHummingbirdVine@kibomi.eu>

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Turn your backyard into a hummingbird playground 


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<center><strong><a href="http://www.kibomi.eu/l/lt1L1288CY81N/132S180LW324BW17S22529568W2863836803">Turn your backyard into a hummingbird playground </a></strong><center><br><a href="http://www.kibomi.eu/l/lt2H1288CY81A/132T180CF324SI17Y22529568R2863836803"><img src="http://www.kibomi.eu/im/R1288QQ81G/132K180J324J17N22529568TG2863836803/img081132236.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
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<font color="white" size="1">ooking for activists.In the central city of Homs, one of the biggest 
flashpoints of the uprising and a scene of daily fighting, government troops 
were shelling neighborhoods and fighting defectors in several neighborhoods. At least eight 
residents were killed, the Observatory said.Regime troops were also fighting defectors Wednesday 
in the northeastern region of Idlib and the southern area of Daraa, 
activists said.The U.N. estimated several weeks ago that more than 5,400 people 
have been killed in the Syrian government crackdown, but has not been 
able to update the figure. The death toll from Monday's offensive in 
the suburbs was around 100 people, making it among the bloodiest days 
since the uprising began, according to the two activist groups.The U.N. Security 
Council resolution would give Assad 15 days to start implementing the Arab 
peace plan and halt the crackdown, otherwise the Council would consider "further 
measures."That would likely mean economic and 


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<font color="white" size="1">ssageway. Burgess said the "concern" is over how long Iran would sustain 
that closure.As for Al Qaeda, Clapper said bin Laden's death deprived global 
jihadists of their "most iconic and inspirational leader."The new leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, 
is "less charismatic," he said.In the document presented to Congress, Clapper also 
said that the ability of Al Qaeda's core leadership "has weakened significantly." 
With sustained pressure, he said, "we anticipate that core Al Qaeda will 
suffer sustained degradation, diminished cohesion and decreasing influence in the coming year."However, 
Clapper said Al Qaeda remains a threat. While the core will be 
of "symbolic importance" to the movement, he said Tuesday, the affiliates will 
"drive the global jihad agenda."Several of these affiliates, like Al Shabaab in 
Somalia, are focused mostly on fighting in their own countries, and not 
on global jihad. But he said in his written assessment that Al 
Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is
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