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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Secure Your Home)
Thu Mar 5 06:02:04 2015

Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 03:02:03 -0800
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<font color="white" size="1">ed in the film warn viewers repeatedly that Western civilization is under 
attack.Nearly 1,500 police officers went through the training and may have seen 
the film, according to police documents obtained by the Brennan Center for 
Justice, a think tank at New York University.Muslim activists say they worry 
that the film teaches police officers to regard all Muslims as suspects. 
Last year an investigation by The Associated Press revealed the police department 
has operated a secret surveillance program targeting ethnic neighborhoods.On Thursday activists planned 
to call for Kelly's resignation at an event outside New York's City 
Hall. Some of the activists were those singled out in the film.The 
film's producer, Raphael Shore, issued a statement defending his work on Wednesday, 
saying, "Those that have blasted the film are attempting to stifle an 
important debate about the internal state of the Muslim community in America, 
and whether politicized Islam and indoctrin


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<font color="white" size="1"> but that he was nonetheless appalled by the level of debate.NUMBERS 
GAME:   13: Percent of registered Florida voters who are Hispanic. 
  31: Date of the Republican presidential primary in Florida.WHAT DID 
THEY SAY?:   "You have to live in a world of 
Swiss bank accounts and Cayman Island accounts and automatically $20 million income 
for no work to have some fantasy this far from reality."  
  Gingrich, on Romney's immigration stance while alluding to certain details 
in tax returns Romney made public this week.   "It's between 
150 and 200-and-some-odd million dollars."    Romney, describing his net 
worth.   "This race is just starting. It's a three-man race. 
We're going to be in this race for the long term."  
  Santorum, suggesting Florida won't end his campaign.   "Our 
economy is getting stronger, and we've come too far to turn back 
now."    Obama, to manufacturers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  
 "I'm looking forward to coming back and bringing a strong, powerful v
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