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1.59% Card Processing No Set Up Fee

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Apple Pay)
Thu Mar 5 00:02:05 2015

To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 21:02:00 -0800
From: "Apple Pay" <ApplePay@scration.com>

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1.59% Card Processing No Set Up Fee


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<center><strong><a href="http://www.scration.com/l/lt1C737A53E/68A102A170D17JG22529568I1279880332">1.59% Card Processing No Set Up Fee </a></strong><center><br><a href="http://www.scration.com/l/lt2N737L53I/68U102B170O17PE22529568X1279880332"><img src="http://www.scration.com/im/XQ737L53VW/68A102RA170IE17PR22529568J1279880332/img05368236.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
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<font color="white" size="1">APNov. 6, 2011: Demonstrators march with a replica of a pipeline during 
a protest to demand a stop to the Keystone XL tar sands 
oil pipeline in Washington, D.C.A senior House GOP aid tells Fox News 
that the House is opposed to the payroll tax deal passed in 
the Senate that includes provisions regarding a proposed Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline.The aid 
says House Republicans oppose the bill because they believe it will impose 
more hardships on the already struggling middle class.They may seek to amend 
the Senate bill.These comments only give further uncertainty to the future of 
the pipeline, which was addressed in the bowels of the $33 billion 
package passed by the Senate Saturday. The bill would extend the payroll 
tax cut as well as unemployment aid, and includes a tricky provision 
that would require President Obama to decide in 60 days whether to 
approve the permit for the so-called Keystone XL pipeline.Republican lawmakers, unions and 
some Democrats want the p


<img src="http://www.scration.com/i/li/b/D737BT53H/68M102M170SY17H22529568WB1279880332" width="1px" height="1px" />
<font color="white" size="1">December 17, 2011: This surveillance photo provided by the New York (City) 
Police Dept. shows a suspect wanted in connection with a homicide, in 
the Brooklyn borough of New York. A New York City man was 
arrested and charged with murder after allegedly burning an elderly woman to 
death inside her apartment building elevator over $2,000 he claims she owed 
him.Authorities said that when 73-year-old Deloris Gillespie went up the elevator to 
her fifth-floor Brooklyn apartment on Saturday, carrying groceries, suspect Jerome Isaac was 
waiting.Surveillance video from inside the small elevator shows 47-year-old Isaac looked something 
like an exterminator, with a canister sprayer, white gloves and a dust 
mask, which was perched atop his head like a pair of sunglasses. 
The sprayer was full of flammable liquid.When the elevator opened Saturday afternoon, 
the suspect sprayed the woman, who turned around and crouched down to 
try to protect herself, New York Police Department 
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