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Tue Jan 27 05:56:07 2015

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er intestines are working just fine."Aimee has even started moving and opening 
her eyes, just small miracles for the Copeland family."She's a little agitated, 
but she's showing more signs of her personality," Copeland said. "She's restrained, 
so she started to get angry, but she responded to me as 
I tried to soothe her. These are just small things, but really 
mean so much."Unfortunately, despite the improvements Aimee has made the past couple 
of days, Copeland said she still faces a big uphill battle.The bacteria 
that attacked her has basically shut her capillaries down, Copeland explained. So 
it appears that because of the combination of the bacteria and medication 
shes taking, we'll probably have to remove her hands from her wrist, 
as well as her foot. It's something we'll have to get over, 
but it's something we're going to miss.Were really just glad to have 
her alive, because she has such a beautiful mind, Copeland added.The whole 
ordeal started for Aimee 
President Obama on Wednesday endorsed same-sex marriages, becoming the first sitting U.S. 
president to take that position following days of speculation about his "evolving" 
stance on the issue.The president used a hastily called TV interview to 
make his position clear."At a certain point, I've just concluded that for 
me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm 
that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married," Obama 
told ABC News.The president, who was previously opposed to the unions, explained 
that he's gone through an "evolution." Obama said he initially thought civil 
unions would suffice as a vehicle to give same-sex couples the rights 
commensurate with those of heterosexual couples. "I'd hesitated on gay marriage in 
part because I thought civil unions would be sufficient," he said.But he 
said his position evolved over the years, "as I have talked to 
friends and family and neighbors, when I think about members of my 
own staff w
e dinner is expected to raise close to $15 million -- about 
$6 million from the guests and the rest from a campaign contest 
for small-dollar donors, the winners of which get to participate in the 
dinner. It is an unprecedented amount for a single event. And it 
means that in one single evening the Obama camp and the Democratic 
Party will collect more than Romney has amassed in his best single 
month of fundraising.Obama, in newly aired excerpts of his ABC News interview 
on gay marriage, said he'd already "made a decision that we were 
going to probably take this position before the election and before the 
convention."As to why Obama decided to make the announcement Wednesday, he suggested 
Vice President Biden's comments over the weekend in support of gay marriage 
nudged him."He probably got out a little bit over his skis," Obama 
said.He added: "Would I have preferred to have done this in my 
own way, in my own terms without, I think, there being a 
lot of notice

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<font style="color: #FCFCFC">, area, told The Associated Press they spoke for about 15 minutes. 
"I said I disagreed with this decision," he said. "I said, more 
precisely, 'This is not how I read Scripture,' and he totally understood 
that. In the end, he was doing what he believed was right, 
what he thinks is authentic for him at this time in his 
life."Hunter said the president acknowledged the decision could make it difficult for 
clergy to defend him in the face of criticism from Christian conservatives 
over a number of issues. "Those of us who love him and 
have invested into his life, he's very aware that this costs us 
something and that's something that I think weighs on him," Hunter said. 
"I don't abandon people because I don't agree with their decisions. But 
there will absolutely be blowback from his personal decision."All told, Obama said 
he wished he could have come out with his announcement on his 
own terms, but "all's well that ends well."To be sure, Obama's shifting 
body langu
 he Tennessean.The Tennessee Office of Vital Records does not have a divorce 
on record, The Tennessean reports.But The Tennesean has the April 22 wedding 
announcement all right, which states John and Tricianne Taylor were married on 
January 14.Cowboy boots and yellow roses accented the ambiance of the couples 
Texas heritage. The groom wore a white linen suit accented with a 
gold Parthenon tie, gift from the bride," it reads.Mary Witherspoon also says 
in court documents that she confronted Taylor, but that she refused to 
speak to her or respond to a letter in which Mary informed 
her John was still married.Mary Witherspoon also alleges Taylor is trying to 
borrow money as Ms. John Witherspoon, has gotten John to change his 
will, and is living in a condo owned by Reese, the report 
says.Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from FoxNews.com and FoxBusiness.com.
ff the dinner with a contest in which supporters can register to 
win a trip to Clooneys event by making small donations and providing 
their personal information to the campaign.Same-sex marriage is a huge issue in 
the entertainment industry, which employs many proponents of the practice. California voters 
passed a ban on same-sex marriage in 2009, prompting outrage in the 
film industry.Whenever Obama heads to California to raise money he is sure 
to be pressed on his previous straddle  personally opposed but evolving. 
With same-sex marriage proponents increasingly angry over the presidents coy stance, Clooneyfest 
would have been tres awkward.Next week, Obama heads to New York for 
another entertainment-industry-themed fundraiser hosted by gay icon Ricky Martin, a 1990s pop 
singer who is now a Broadway star. The fundraiser is for Obamas 
dedicated gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender coalition. Its hard to ask people 
to fork over $30,000 while simultaneously expl


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