[30516] in Discussion of MIT-community interests

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Your account has been upgraded.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (=>Miranda - work at home ma`)
Thu Oct 30 09:52:16 2014

To: mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:52:14 +0400
From: "=>Miranda - work at home ma` <=" <postmaster@geneticmatrix.com>
Reply-To: postmaster@geneticmatrix.com

Good news!<br /><br />Your account has been upgraded.<br /><br />You now
have access to a special FREE APP <br />called the Auto Mobile Code. Get it
here:<br /><br />==&gt; <a
href="http://automobilecode.adzjobs.com"><strong>Access To Free
App!!</strong></a><br /><br />With this special code, all you have to do is
turn on your mobile phone <br />or laptop and you will get paid in
commissions.<br /><br />These commissions come from MOBILE PHONES all
around the world.<br /><br />Auto Mobile Code sends TEXT MESSAGES
automatically<br />to these chosen mobile phones. When people read these
texts,<br />you can get paid.<br /><br />This is a goldmine, and I'm
letting you in.<br /><br />10,000<br />20,000<br />30,000<br />.......<br
/>100,000<br />200,000<br />.......<br /><br />1,000,000...<br /><br />I've
seen this app make over 10 MILLION<br />already, and it hasn't been
publically released.<br /><br />Get your advance copy here, while you still
can:<br /><br />==&gt; <a
href="http://automobilecode.adzjobs.com"><strong>It`s Still
Free!!</strong></a><br /><br />Again, this is a FREE upgrade.<br /><br />I
wanted to thank you personally for being a subscriber,<br />and this is the
best thing I can do for you.<br /><br />Get the app RIGHT NOW, because this
offer will expire in 24 hours.<br /><br />Hurry.<br /><br />==&gt; <a
href="http://automobilecode.adzjobs.com"><strong>Get The
App!!</strong></a><br /><br /><br />Kidly,<br /><br />Miranda<br /><br
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br
/><span>You are currently subscribed to fx-highend
fx-highend at any time.</span>

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