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Reverse 20 Years of Aging with 10-Second Trick?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Deep Sea Nutrition)
Thu Apr 24 21:28:08 2014

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:28:01 -0700
From: "Deep Sea Nutrition" <DeepSeaNutrition@bajuryazoteraver.us>
To: <mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu>
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Reverse 20 Years of Aging with 10-Second Trick?


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onal baggage.When 
I meet someone new, I get to talk to him or her 
like a regular person. We joke around, talk about our families, and 
then the inevitable happens. What do you do for a living? When 
I answer this question, I typically get one of two responses. I 
either get an onslaught of Christianese phrases -- Oh, praise the Lord! 
What a blessing, brother Craig! or I get stonewalled, and the conversation 
dies as quickly as it started.One time when this happened, the person 
I was talking with politely shared that he didnt like religious people. 
I chimed in that I didnt like religious people either. His mouth 
nearly dropped to the floor. I explained that religion is about rules, 
but being a Christian is about relationship.Now Im not saying is that 
religious organizations are useless. Obviously, Im a part of one. I am 
the pastor of a church and truly believe what Bill Hybels asserts: 
The local church is the hope of the world. But in order 
to reach the current generation and generations to come, we must change 
the way we do things. Thats why we like to say, To 
reach people no one is reaching, we have to do things no 
one is doing.As churches, we dont have the liberty to change the 
message, but we must change the way the message is presented. We 
have to discover our "altar ego"and become who God says we are 
instead of who others say we are.Peeling off the labels that cling 
to our reputation brings great freedom for us as individuals and a
Shoppers at a Target store in Brooklyn say a label that listed 
the color of a plus-size dress as "manatee gray" was insulting.The label 
for the same dress in smaller sizes described it as "dark heather 
gray."Target apologized for the label.Michelle Ho, shopping at the store 
at Atlantic Terminal Mall, told the New York Post that Target was 
"putting down one set of people over another" with the different labels.Spokeswoman 
Jessica Deede called the labeling of the Mossimo-brand "Women's Plus-Size 
Kimono Maxi Dress" ''an unintentional oversight."She said although manatee 
gray was a seasonal color, Target was "fixing the discrepancy." She said 
the item was removed from the company website.

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                        <font size="5">"Medical Doctor SWEARS This 'Weird 
                        Trick' <span style="background-color: #FFFF00">REVERSES 
                        20 Years</span> Of Aging?"</font></span></strong></em></font><p style="text-align: center">
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                        <p><font size="3" color="#000000">
                        <span style="font-family: Arial">Controversial Medical 
                        Doctor Says:</span></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Arial"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><br clear="none">
                        <span style="font-family: &#39;Arial&#39;">
                        <font size="5">"Reverse Your Age By 20 Years!"</font></span></strong></em><font face="Arial"><span class="Apple-converted-space"><font size="5"> </font></span><br clear="none">
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                        <font size="3"><span style="font-family: Arial">Due to 
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                        weird age reversing trick.</a></b></span></font></font></p></div>
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<br>Deep Sea Nutrtion LLC
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Suite 104
Lakewood NJ 08701 </span> </div>
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<center>This email was intended for mit-talk-mtg@charon.mit.edu
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<p style="font-size:xx-small;">FILE: March 27, 2013: Teachers union are power in Chicago. A recent 
strike led to a better contract. Here they protest in front of 
city hall a plan to close schools 54 public schools.REUTERSMaryland lawmakers 
agreed this week to require public school teachers to pay union fees 
 a move that bolsters the states connection to organized labor as 
others move toward a right-to-work status.The bill passed Thursday in the 
General Assembly and is headed to the desk of Democratic Gov. Martin 
OMalley for signing after Monday, the final day of Marylands 2013 legislative 
session.The bill is also part of a larger progressive agenda put forth 
this year by leaders of the Democrat-controlled Assembly that includes the 
approval of tax increases and one of the toughest gun-control proposals 
in the country.State Sen. David Brinkley calls the fees a forced tax 
and disagrees with union claims that representation will benefit every teacher.If 
the representation is so exceptional, then everybody would join, he said. 
I just dont buy it. Its a political payback that has nothing 
substantial to do with the merits of education.The bill will require tens 
of thousands of public school teachers to pay close to 1 percent 
of their paychecks in so-called fair share fees to cover the cost 
of contract negotiations and grievance representation.Union leaders say 
the legislation attempts to create uniformity across Maryland and that non-union 
workers should share the cost.We 
 WASHINGTON  After a full year of fruitless job hunting, Natasha Baebler 
just gave up.She'd already abandoned hope of getting work in her field, 
working with the disabled. But she couldn't land anything else, either  
not even a job interview at a telephone call center.Until she feels 
confident enough to send out resumes again, she'll get by on food 
stamps and disability checks from Social Security and live with her parents 
in St. Louis."I'm not proud of it," says Baebler, who is in 
her mid-30s and is blind. "The only way I'm able to sustain 
any semblance of self-preservation is to rely on government programs that 
I have no desire to be on."Baebler's frustrating experience has become all 
too common nearly four years after the Great Recession ended: Many Americans 
are still so discouraged that they've given up on the job market.Older 
Americans have retired early. Younger ones have enrolled in school. Others 
have suspended their job hunt until the employment landscape brightens. 
Some, like Baebler, are collecting disability checks.It isn't supposed to 
be this way. After a recession, an improving economy is supposed to 
bring people back into the job market.Instead, the number of Americans in 
the labor force  those who have a job or are looking 
for one  fell by nearly half a million people from February 
to March, the government said Friday. And the percentage of working-age 
adults in the labor force  what's called the participation rate  


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