[12] in Discussion of MIT-community interests

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Re: Living Wage

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Zhelinrentice L Scott)
Thu Apr 19 11:24:03 2001

Message-Id: <200104191315.JAA04225@biohazard-cafe.mit.edu>
To: mit-talk@MIT.EDU
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:15:08 -0400
From: Zhelinrentice L Scott <zlscott@MIT.EDU>
Resent-From: jhawk@MIT.EDU
Resent-To: mit-talk-mtg@charon.MIT.EDU

Jimmy M said:

While it would be nice to see an MIT where students would actually get
galvanized for things, it would require sacrificing many things we hold dear
about MIT: its diversity of interests, its dedication to academic excellence,
its Nerd Pride(tm), just to name a few.  Then, we'd simply be another nameless

I say:

I disagree. I believe that if people actually were concerned about 
others they would make time. The time that MIT students spend drinking, 
partying on weekends, shooting the breeze during business meetings, 
and complaining about their work can be better used to 
fight for justice and against other social ills. 

I firmly believe that MIT students are highly respected and have power.
If we all decided to speak out on any issue (i.e. Global Warming) to educate 
the public, people would listen. I believe we would be even more respected 
because not only are we book smart, but we prove to the world that 
we can apply this knowledge for the advancement of humanity. 


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