[3397] in BarnOwl Developers

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Re: Non-MIT access to barnowl's issue tracker

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Quentin Smith)
Wed May 1 14:29:08 2013

Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 14:29:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: Quentin Smith <quentin@MIT.EDU>
To: Alex Dehnert <alex@dehnerts.com>
cc: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@ldpreload.com>, barnowl-dev@mit.edu
In-Reply-To: <51815C85.4030003@dehnerts.com>

On Wed, 1 May 2013, Alex Dehnert wrote:

> On 05/01/2013 02:01 PM, Quentin Smith wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 May 2013, Geoffrey Thomas wrote:
>>> I don't know of a terribly good way to enable Trac access to the
>>> outside world and avoid the usual spam etc. problems, so since we're
>>> already using Github for code hosting and pull requests, I'd like to
>>> move all our Trac tickets to Github Issues and deprecate the Trac
>>> issue tracker. (Possibly moving the wiki content to Github would also
>>> be worthwhile.)
>>> Is this sane, insane, etc.?
>> Why not just use the hybrid cert + password login that other SIPB Tracs
>> use?
> Which other SIPB Tracs? I thought they mostly had the same problem...

I think XVM might be set up this way?

Basically (cribbing from a Trac that's setup this way), I think it should 

cd /mit/barnowl/web_scripts/trac
mkdir -p login
cat >> login/.htaccess <<EOF
AuthType Basic
AuthName "barnowl Trac"
AuthUserFile /mit/barnowl/web_scripts/trac/.htpasswd
AuthOptional off
Require valid-user

and the enclosing .htaccess needs to look like (not sure if this is the 

AuthType SSLCert
Require valid-user
AuthSSLCertAuthoritative off
AuthOptional on
SSLVerifyClient optional


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