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Re: [APO-L] New initiates, and a Jerry Schroeder look alike???

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Virtuous Woman)
Tue Apr 5 12:11:44 2005

Date:         Tue, 5 Apr 2005 09:11:26 -0700
Reply-To: Virtuous Woman <virtuous_woman20@yahoo.com>
From: Virtuous Woman <virtuous_woman20@yahoo.com>
In-Reply-To:  6667

Congrats to the new brothers!
I don't think that he looks at Jerry Shroeder..lol

Kari Vanalstine <lilroo@gmail.com> wrote:

Oh and not to be a pain, but Roy Williams is the FORMER KU Coach. 
He's now North Carolina Head Coach :) :)

On Apr 4, 2005 1:39 PM, Jack Dostal wrote:
> Hey all--
> I know this might be borderline for this listserv, so I'll start
> with the real news - congratulations to the newest 8 members of the Eta
> Zeta Chapter at Montana State University: Chris Anoik, Will
> Bauerle, Bridgid Crowley, Michael Faul, Patrick Hughley, Lance Li, Kirsten
> Rice, and Ben Van Alstine. The initiation ceremony was Sunday night.
> The second part of this might be a stretch - and perhaps should be
> on the social listserv - but I think we have a borderline Jerry Schroeder
> look alike on our hands. Check out this photo, particularly the
> right-most frame, and then Jerry giving the same expression. (It's KU
> head men's BB coach Roy Williams...)
> http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaab/photo?slug=moff14904030258.final_four_michigan_st_north_carolina_moff149&prov=ap
> Cheers--
> Jack
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Jack Dostal - Grad. Student, Physics - APO Section 7 Chair
> dostal@physics.montana.edu | Office: (406) 994-3382
> 510 1/2 W. Hayes | Cell: (406) 580-1209
> Bozeman, MT 59715

Kari :)

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