[31] in APO News

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Hobby Shop and Ride Board

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (pshuang@Athena.MIT.EDU)
Wed Jul 1 15:50:14 1992

From: pshuang@Athena.MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 92 15:47:06 -0400
To: apo-news@Athena.MIT.EDU

If we muster some man-hours, the ride project *CAN* be completed early
in July. Design and materials are available, I believe. However, the
expected time to create the design in the hobby shop alone is twenty
man-hours. If any of you would like to take up some of those twenty
hours with me, that would be great (it should be fun, the hobby shop
manager is interested in helping us and teaching us, too). You must take
a hobby shop basic instruction course (offered on Mondays and at least
one other day at 11am, I believe). Please contact me if you are
interested in helping to finish off this project once and for all! Yay!

Yours in Leadership/Fellowship/Service,
Ping Huang, AX chapter of APO @ M.I.T. (pshuang@athena.mit.edu)

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