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July 4th at the Esplanade!

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (dcctdw@Athena.MIT.EDU)
Sat Jun 6 15:59:51 1992

From: dcctdw@Athena.MIT.EDU
To: apo-news@Athena.MIT.EDU, sipb-soc@Athena.MIT.EDU, savoyards@Athena.MIT.EDU,
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 92 15:56:13 EDT

This should look amazingly familar to people who were here last year.
What's different:
	1) I'm not sure if Mike Bauer will be joining us.
	2) The first strike force may be leaving earlier than 6am.  If you
want to be part of the said strike force, send me mail, especially if you
need a wakeup call.

see you there!

Once again, Dave Cho will be organizing Fulton's Folly, the party on the
Esplanade (that's that strip of green stuff across the Chuck Creek) where
the Boston Pops (!) has its traditional July 4th concert AND REALLY NEAT

	The Plan:
Where are we going: (Planet X!)  No, no, we're not going to Planet X.  We
are going to be camped out on the riverbank, so we can have this incredibly
unobstructed (i.e., front-row) view of the fireworks.  We'll also be close
(enough) to the cannons and sorta near enough to hear the music.
*Directions are below.*

When are we going: Yes.  I will be in the first strike wave, leaving from
Lobby 7 really early (6am at the latest, quite probably before that).  If
you're late, you get to catch up.  Everyone else gets to come later,
although before noon is a definite win.  After 6, you won't be able to find
us.  Basically, everyone should plan on coming before 3.  Of course, try to
come early -- we'll be lonely out there with no one to talk to or throw in
the Charles oops you didn't just read that last part.  Really.

What to bring: The first strike wave will be carrying blankets and blankets
and blankets and lots of water and that's it.  So, that means that the
people who come afterwards should bring a little extra food for the poor
slobs who got up Real Early in order to save you spots.  (The blankets are
there so we can stake out about twice as much space as we need, so that
when encroachers come, we'll be comfortable and not cramped.)

So: you should bring: Sunblock.  For food & water: it's easiest if people
pair up or group into fours and figure out what to bring for those N
people.  If people can/need help, send mail to me and I'll deal (i.e.,
don't flood the above lists...)  Especially if you can help out the early
crowd.  Also: Fenway House should bring its collections of strategy games.
Games in general are a big win (i mean, otherwise, it gets boring).  Cards
especially are cool since they're very portable and there are always N
games to play.

A note about fluids: don't bring Coke, etc, as it takes more water to
process the caffeine than the Coke provides.  (Something like that.  For
exact details, ask a bio major.)  Bring stuff like lemonade, bugjuice,
smurfjuice, etc...  Also note that alcohol is illegal on the Esplanade,
something that the Metro Police enforces.

Lesse... where, when, what, who: You.  And anyone you want to invite.
Everyone is welcome.
(where, when, what, who, why... )  why: because it's a tremendous amount of

How: by foot.  Don't drive; there's very little parking.  Or, park at MIT
and walk over the Mass Ave bridge.

Oh: don't bring valuables if possible.  A few bucks, that's all.  And a
small flashlight could be a win as well when we're cleaning up after the

Alright, i think that's it.  If you have q's, please feel free to send me


The Hatch Shell is (about) halfway between the Harvard Bridge and the
Longfellow Bridge.

From the Mass Ave Bridge: Cross the bridge.  Go down the New & Improved!
ramp.  Go towards the Longfellow Bridge.  The path will almost immediately
fork -- stay left.  You'll pass a playground on your right.  Then there'll
be this little courtyard (up and down three steps -- there's a path that
skirts the steps if you biking or whatever).
About 10 minutes from the Mass Ave Bridge, you'll find a T intersection --
going straight, and then a arch bridge on the left.  (There'll actually
also be a pedestrian bridge over Storrow Dr on your right.)  Go left and
over the bridge.  Keep going down the path.  There should be this pool of
water on right now.
Keep going forward.  A few minutes after the first bridge will be another
fork -- one going to the left, and another going over a bridge to the
right.  Go left.  Keep going.  You'll pass through another courtyard with
Arthur Fielder paintings.
You're almost there.  After passing the clump of trees in the courtyard you
are now exiting, you'll see a lone tree on the riverbank.  (On the
riverbank, not to the right of path.)  We'll be under this tree.  Should
you not be able to find this lone tree, but can somehow miraculously see to
your right, there'll be a (large) bust of Arthur Fielder.  When the bust is
directly to your right, we'll be about 2 feet to your left.  If you pass
the cannons, you went too far.  If you hit the Shell, you really went to
far.  If you reach the Longfellow, go back home and get more sleep.
Note that there's a dock just past the tree, so look around that general

Short form: Cross the bridge and always go left when possible (no, don't
walk into the river).  Eventually, you'll see this lone tree and we'll be
right all around it.  

From the Longfellow:
Good question.  Go towards the Harvard Bridge.  Pass the Shell.  I think
the bridge you'll want to cross will be blocked off, so you'll have to
meander about until you get to the riverbank.  Ask people where the cannons
are, and look for a lone tree near it.  There's also a shipdock very near
(like, 20 feet) from where are...  coming from the Shell, it'll be cannons,
then the shipdock, then us, all within 40 feet.

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