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Hurricane(s) reduce blood donations; MIT blood drive Mon. Tues.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Blood Drive Coordinators)
Fri Sep 15 04:20:31 2017

Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 20:51:42 -0400
From: Blood Drive Coordinators <blood-drive-coordinators@mit.edu>
To: Blood Drive Announcements <blood-drive-request@mit.edu>

Hurricane Irma has forced the cancellation of approximately 80 American
Red Cross blood drives in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South
Carolina, resulting in more than 2,100 uncollected blood and platelet
donations. The Red Cross expects additional blood drive cancellations in
the Southeast over the coming days and fewer donors to come out to
donate at drives in and around affected areas due to poor weather

Through their national inventory system, the Red Cross has the ability
to move blood around the country to wherever and whenever it is needed
most.  Ahead of the storm, they sent additional blood products to areas
of the Southeast, including Puerto Rico[1], that were likely to be impacted
by the storm and they are prepared to send more to ensure patient needs
continue to be met.

The Red Cross encourages eligible donors in parts of the country
unaffected by Hurricanes Irma (and Harvey) to give blood or platelets to
help ensure a sufficient blood supply.  Platelet and type O blood
donations are especially needed right now.

MIT's blood drive will continue on Monday and Tuesday of next week (but
Friday/tomorrow).  You can still make an appointment at:


Or sign up to volunteer at:


Thank you for helping to save lives!

1. Blood drives at MIT are (and have for years, been) held in "La Sala
   de Puerto Rico" on the second floor of the Student Center (w20-202).

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