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Take Sun's Java hype with a grain of salt.

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonas Barklund)
Thu Apr 4 01:01:59 1996

Date:         Thu, 4 Apr 1996 07:58:26 +0200
From: Jonas Barklund <jonas@CSD.UU.SE>
To: Multiple recipients of list JAVA-INTEREST
In-Reply-To:  <3162AB29@msmail.catalink.com.>


 > Weirdest thing I've noticed so far about Java is Sun's claim that there
 > are no pointers in Java. It seems more like everything is a pointer in
 > Java. If you declare an object variable and fail to use the 'new'
 > operator you get a null pointer exception. Sounds like pointer to me. Why
 > does 'new' exist in a laguage without pointers in the first place?

Of course there are pointers underneath in Java; what they say is that
you don't manipulate them as explicitly and as wildly as in C.  Like
adding an arbitrary integer to a pointer and get a pointer to who
knows what.  Read the claims more carefully.

-- Jonas

PS. It's now several days since I emailed java-interest-request and
asked to unsubscribe and the mail keeps coming in...

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