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RE: *Qayton*

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Steven Boozer)
Mon Nov 30 16:46:45 2009

From: Steven Boozer <sboozer@uchicago.edu>
To: "'tlhingan-hol@kli.org'" <tlhingan-hol@kli.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 15:44:54 -0600
In-Reply-To: <27a7b7f70911301331m640d0a10l65d884ae022f3d34@mail.gmail.com>
Errors-to: tlhingan-hol-bounce@kli.org
Reply-to: tlhingan-hol@kli.org

>There have been two instances of Klingon in the Big Bang Theory:
>Klingon Boggle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8oMLEU3W8A)

The boys sometimes refer to their regular "Klingon Boggle Night" in other episodesalthough IIRC we've only seen them play once.

>And a recent episode had Sheldon saying {bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu'
>nay'}. I haven't had a chance to upload that segment yet, but I will in
>the near future'

Not only did Sheldon say it (at a RPG tournament), but his nemesis Will Wheaton (who had unknowingly offended him several years prior) turned to the player next to him and said, "Did he just say 'Revenge is a dish best served cold' in Klingon?!"  

He did indeed, and it was obvious that the actor was trying very hard to say it right.  It may not have passed Maltz's standards, but I understood him right off!

Canon Master of the Klingons

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