[58] in tlhIngan-Hol

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Re: questions on new stuff

Sun Feb 16 15:20:33 1992

Errors-To: tlhIngan-Hol-request@village.boston.ma.us
From: Elias Israel <eli@village.boston.ma.us>
To: "Klingon Language List" <tlhIngan-Hol@village.boston.ma.us>
Date:    Tue, 24 Dec 91 20:01:50 EST

Kevin Iga writes:
>In the new edition, in the addendum, in section 5.5, epithets and
>general invectives are listed.  Does anyone know if a relation between
>the epithets on the left column and the invective on the right column
>was intended?  Or are these two independent lists?

Looks to me like they're just two separate lists. I agree, though, that
they look like they might be related just because they're placed so
close together.

>Also, I assume in section 6.4 the word "to be accurate" should be
>"qar", not "gar"?  Based on the examples and the dictionary list...
>(what a word to get qarbe'.)  Confirmation, anyone?

Well, that's what the dictionary says. I've found a number of
typographical errors of this type. Nothing that we can't get around, of

>Now that we have the names of various officerships in the Klingon
>hierarchy, what IS that hierarchy?  And are all the officerships listed
>in the dictionary, with the addendum?

I don't know, but I'm glad to finally know what Admiral is. Now I can be
certain to make HoD Qanqor call me by my correct title: 'aj QeyDor.

>Would "try to X" be "X nID?"

It would be done with the "sentences as objects" construction in section

For example:

	vIHoHta' 'e' vInID		"I tried to kill him"
	(HoH = kill, nID = attempt)

Or, literally, "I killed him; I try it", where "it" refers to the
sentence "I killed him."

Note that the past tense of the sentence comes from the suffix on the
verb HoH, not from nID.


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