[27] in tlhIngan-Hol

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vavma' pab je

Sun Feb 16 15:16:46 1992

From: Michael Everson <ima.ima.isc.com!ICNUCEVM.CNUCE.CNR.IT!MEVERC95%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@village.boston.ma.us>
To: tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI' <tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM>
Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 91 23:48:14 GMT

vavma',                   < father-our-(who speaks)
                          < vav    ma'
Hov Dache'taH:            < stars you-them-rule-continuously
                          < Hov   Da       che' taH
reH ponglIj batlhlu'taH.  < always name-your honours-one-continuously
                          < reH    pong lIj  batlh   lu' taH
Dat wo'lIj tu'lu'taH:     < everywhere empire-your finds-one-continuously
                          < Dat        wo'    lIj  tu'   lu' taH
ra'lIj loblu'taH.         < orders-your obeys-one-continuously
                          < ra'    lIj  lob   lu' taH
yuQDaq je Hov wo'Daq je.  < planet-on and stars' empire-in and
                          < yuQ   Daq 'ej Hov    wo'Daq
jajvam nay'maj ghonobneS. < day-this dish-our us!-give-please
                          < jaj vam  nay' maj gho nob  neS
yemmaj tIHupQo'neS        < sin-our them!-punish-don't-please
                          < yem maj tI    Hup    Qo'   neS
wI'wemlu' 'ach maHupbe'.  < us-violates-one but we-it-punish-not
                          < wI' wem     lu' 'ach ma   Hup    be'
ghotlhu'moHQo'neS,        < us!-tempted-cause-don't-please
                          < gho tlhu'   moH   Qo'   neS
'ach Doch mIghqu'vo'      < but things evil-very-from us!-protect-contin-please
   ghoQantaHneS.          < 'ach Doch  mIgh qu'  vo'  gho Qan     taH    neS
wo'lIj je HoSlIj je       < empire-your and strength-your and
                          < wo'    lIj  je  HoS      lIj  je
pong noylIj je DaghajtaH: < name famous-your and you-them-possess-continuously
                            pong noy    lIj  je  Da       ghaj    taH
DaH poHpu' poHDaq je.     < now time-plural's time-in and
                          < DaH poH  pu'      poH  Daq je
Beginners: remember, word order is Object-Verb-Subject. Adjectives are
really verbs, but as phrases can take noun endings: Doch mIghqu'vo'
'from things that are very evil'.

Note that there are a number of changes in this text from the one I posted
previously. This was written more than a year ago, when I thought I was
the only one..... {{:-)  My chief error was in the use of lI' and ma' for
lIj and maj; also I had Sop, a verb, for food, rather than nay' 'dish'
(I wondered about using Somraw 'muscle' for 'meat' but I thought it
too specific.

About 'Heaven': I don't think the Klingons look at things the way we do,
they're more romantic realists whereas we are more realistic romantics.
(As species go.) Note however the contrast of "Hov Dache'taH" 'you rule
the stars' and "yuQDaq je Hov wo'Daq je" 'both on-planet and in the
empire of stars'; in the first place Klingons seem to relate more easily
to what a person does (Hov che'taH) than where he is (Hov wo'Daq SoH),
and in the second place, stars are considered differently than simply
empty space (Hov vs. logh).

Note that je is used somewhat more in this text than in spoken Klingon;
that is for rhythmic, elevated style.


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