[16] in tlhIngan-Hol

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more words?

Sun Feb 16 15:15:48 1992

Resent-From: tlhIngan-Hol-request@village.boston.ma.us
From: ima.ima.isc.com!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!dcctdw@village.boston.ma.us
To: tlhIngan-Hol@IMA.ISC.COM
Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 91 14:04:27 EDT
Errors-To: tlhIngan-Hol-request@village.boston.ma.us
Resent-To: tlhIngan-Hol-subscribers@IMA.ISC.COM

(Hi -- i'm a beginner, so eventually i'll get around to a formal intro)

Does anyone know where I can access/form more basic words useful in a
teaching setting?  Things like: memroize, lesson, homework, class,
chalkboard, chalk, pen, pencil, etc.  The idea is that 6 of us learn
Klingon real fast and then teach it during January (which is a free month
here at MIT) at an even faster pace...  So, if anyone has any
ideas/experience at teaching Klingon, please pass those along as well!

If you reply via personal, please cc: to mosquito@athena.mit.edu

thanks in advance!  (yes, i know; no self-respecting Klingon would ever say
that...  :)  )

dave cho

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