[1317] in tlhIngan-Hol

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Re: tonSaw, L'aadan

Tue Jul 20 05:16:26 1993

Reply-To: "Klingon Language List" <tlhIngan-Hol@village.boston.ma.us>
From: A.APPLEYARD@fs1.mt.umist.ac.uk
To: "Klingon Language List" <tlhIngan-Hol@village.boston.ma.us>
Date: 20 Jul 93 09:04:04 GMT

  Mark E. Shoulson wrote on Mon 19 Jul 93 10:46:26 -0400 (Subject: tonSaw,
  > Here's the list as given in HolQeD 1,3. List of other Klingon words, from
an issue of veS QonoS, reported in HolQed, Vol 1, No. 3

  What is `ves QonoS`, and how to get it?

  > nga'chuq        sex (i.e. perform sex; always subject)
  Does this mean that `nga'chuq` = (noun) "the sex act", (verb) "to perform
the sex act", rather than "the answer to the question whether the individual
is male or female"? I apologize for the intimate details, but that entry <is>
a bit obscurely worded.

  > yatlh           pregnant, be pregnant
  > jIH             monitor (n, i.e., a device)
  > ...

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