[19] in Dilbert Redistribution

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Dilbert Newsletter 13.01

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (scottadams@InterNex.NET)
Wed Dec 11 18:57:38 1996

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 00:59:46 -0800 (PST)
From: scottadams@InterNex.NET
To: dilbert_list@custmail.InterNex.Net

             Dilbert Newsletter 13.01

To:     Dogbert's New Ruling Class (DNRC)
From:   Scott Adams
Date:   December 1996

  - Dogbert's Healing Powers
  - Party Tips for Induhviduals
  - Gifts for Induhviduals
  - More True Tales of Induhviduals
  - New Year's Resolutions for Induhviduals
  - If Star Trek (tm) was managed like Dilbert
  - World's Best Sandwich

** If you're on the list and don't get your copy right away, be patient 
or check http://www.unitedmedia.com.  I'm way behind in updating the 
mailing list.**

DNRC Status Report

The ranks of DNRC have swelled to 150,000 inexplicably attractive and 
frighteningly intelligent members.

I think this explains the recent drop in ratings for the Baywatch 
television series.  With so many DNRC members among the general 
population, let's face it, the Baywatch crew starts to look a bit 

Now we have enough members to form our own Mars colony without a huge 
risk of inbreeding.  Eventually we'll be able to escape this 
Induhvidual-infested ball of stupidity called earth.  That's a long term 
plan, but it's proceeding well.  

A DNRC Covert Operations team has planted fake bacteria fossils in a Mars 
rock, thus getting everyone excited about spending tax money on 
Mars-bound spaceships.  Once the Mars colony is built we can decide 
whether we want to live there ourselves or just ship the excess 
Induhviduals up there for storage.  Either way, it's best to put some 
galaxy between us and the six billion Induhviduals who are not actively 
fluffing our pillows and mowing our lawns.

[If you're joining the party late, non-DNRC members (the Induhviduals) 
will all become our domestic servants after Dogbert conquers the world.]

DNRC currency

In the last newsletter I introduced the new DNRC currency called the 
Pennybert which was planned to have this Latin inscription:  Ille Albus 
Canne Vinco Homines.  It's supposed to mean, "The white dog conquers 

Many people wrote to point out the errors in this Latin phrase.  Here's 
an example.

  Dear Mr. Adams,

  As a beginning student in Latin I was quite excited to 
  read that the DNRC currency will have a phrase in Latin 
  on it. I wrote it down and took it to my professor. He
  said that the grammar in it isn't correct. He suggested 
  the following:


  What do you think?

I'm no Latin expert, but I think this new version looks suspiciously like 
it might be saying, "Dogbert and Roy Orbison will live in a terrarium 
with Vincent Van Gogh."  And that makes no sense to me.

While I'm in favor of precision, unless it requires effort, I must point 
out that there's an inherent logic flaw in having Latin professors 
correct the Pennybert inscription.  First, bear in mind that after 
Dogbert's takeover, all Latin professors will be pruning our shrubbery, 
so their motives and credibility are suspect.  

Secondly, Latin is a so-called "dead language."  It takes a lot to kill a 
language.  There are countries the size of my kitchen that have their own 
healthy languages.  Clearly, if Latin was useful in its normal form, it 
would be alive today.  Therefore the language must be defective.  I don't 
see much risk in changing it.  What's the worst thing that could happen 
-- Latin will become unpopular?

Thirdly, and most importantly, after Dogbert's takeover DNRC members will 
all be infallible by definition.  So it doesn't much matter what the 
Pennybert inscription says because it can't be wrong.  So I say we keep 
the original inscription and let's all agree that Latin is defective and 
not us or the Pennybert.

Dogbert's Healing Powers

Here is a true story of the healing powers of Dogbert, reprinted here 
with permission.

  Dear Scott,

  Recently I was in the Intensive Care Unit with double 
  pneumonia and lots of other yucky things. It was getting 
  pretty "Chicago Hope" in there and I started to go into 
  shock and, well, die, when the priest said, "C'mon Cath, 
  you can't leave now or you'll never know whether Dogbert 
  solves the year 2000 problem."

  (I've been in here awhile and he sometimes helps me access 
  the Internet via my bedside PC.) I'm sorry if this 
  embarrasses you, but Dogbert really saved my life and I 
  figure I owe him (and you) at least a thank you note...so, 


  Cath Perry

I think there is a lesson here for all of us:  Dilbert products save 
lives.  But I don't recommend that any of you wait as long as Ms. Perry 
did.  You can also use Dilbert in a holistic, preventative manner.

For example, let's say you wake up in the morning and you're still tired. 
 That's a sure sign of something terribly wrong with your body.  Run to 
the store and buy a Dilbert book, then drink some coffee and take a nap.  
You'll be feeling better in no time.  I guarantee it.

DNRC Enemies List

Recently, Martha Stewart was put on the DNRC Enemies "Watch List" until 
she provided us with a festive way to dispose of little Poppin' Fresh, 
who, as you know, is a mortal enemy of the DNRC.  (Some would say he's 
half-baked but I think that's wishful thinking.)

Martha hasn't sent in her response yet, but many of you sent your own 
ideas.  There were too many creative suggestions to list, involving 
everything from cordless screwdrivers to catnip,  but none of them struck 
me as particularly festive.  So I'm extending Martha's deadline until the 
next DNRC newsletter.

Dilbert Zone Redesign

If you haven't looked at The Dilbert Zone web lately, check out the new 
design and features.  There are difficult puzzles for you and simpler 
ones for your manager.  And lots of other fun stuff too:  

Party Tips for Induhviduals

Despite your best efforts, you might find yourself at an office party 
with Induhviduals.  Here are some tips you will want to share with them 
in order to avoid any embarrassing or dangerous situations.

- If your boss gets drunk and offers to photocopy her 
  posterior, do not helpfully suggest pressing "reduce 75%."

- If you hear someone yell, "Empower THIS!!" try to put some 
  distance between you and whatever happens next.

- Never ask, "Is *that* your wife or did you cash in some 
  stock options?"

- If the party is held on site, don't ask for directions.

- When you meet your boss's spouse, never say "Wow, I didn't 
  know you were married. What's it like to have an open 

- Don't put the eggnog in your own flask.

- Don't ask the band to play "Take This Job and Shove It."

- It's never a good idea to use the mistletoe as a fig leaf.

Gifts for Induhviduals

If you are trapped into giving holiday gifts to Induhviduals, you want to 
appear generous without spending any actual money.  Here are some 
excellent gift ideas:

- Your used motor oil in a chocolate syrup bottle

- The stuff that Goodwill laughed at and left on your porch

- Soap chips sculpture (Induhviduals love handmade stuff)

- Plastic sandwich bag labelled "emergency rain hat" 

- That stapler from the copy machine room

And remember, old lightbulbs decorated with highlighter pens make lovely 
tree ornaments.

New Year's Resolutions for Induhviduals

The members of the DNRC are perfect this year as usual, but many 
Induhviduals need improvement.  Here are some New Year's Resolutions you 
can suggest to the Induhviduals around you:

- I will not lick the flagpole on a freezing winter day 
  even if someone swears it tastes like cinnamon.

- I will not comb my eyebrows over my head and try to pass it 
  off as a full head of hair.

- I will not park in the handicapped space at the bowling 
  alley no matter how low my bowling average is.

- I will never again joke with flight attendants about the 
  explosive device in my pants.

- I will not use correction fluid as a condiment.

- From now on, when giving my subordinates positive strokes 
  I'll do so verbally.

- I will not try to send three-dimensional objects via e-

Some DRNC Pranks

- Fill a whiteboard in a conference room with technobabble 
  charts that mean absolutely nothing and write "Do Not 
  Erase" on it.

- Set a pager to vibrate and then sew it into the padding of 
  an Induhvidual's chair. Call the pager often.

- During an office move, have all of your fellow DNRC 
  members pack one box apiece with their discarded junk.
  Label the junk boxes with the address of your favorite

- When your boss calls you on the speaker phone, skip
  every third word when you talk.

- Collect page-separators from print jobs with various user's 
  names and then combine them with controversial printouts of
  your own devising.  Leave them in the printer for the next
  person to discover.

- Video Conference Pranks:

   Arrange with everyone in the room to freeze and quit 
   talking all at the same moment.

   Look directly into the camera and move your lips as if 
   speaking, but make no noise.

   Have someone off-camera talk while someone of the 
   opposite sex lip-syncs on-camera.

Induhvidual Sightings

The sightings in this section come from DNRC operatives from across the 


The Times newspaper (UK) recently carried a story about a taxi driver 
from Brighton who has spent the last 6 years of his leisure time writing 
out the numbers from one to a
million by hand in order to get into the Guinness Book Of Records. 

When the compiler came round to check, he informed the man that he will 
need to do it again, as "they have to be written in words, not digits."

[Editor's note: I assume the taxi driver was forcibly relocated to a 
nearby city named Not-Too-Brighton.]

So There!

I work with an Iduhvidual who is notorious for leaving work early. A 
couple of his "friends" decided to pull a prank on him by constructing a 
spreadsheet showing the hours he worked for the last 6 months. The 
fictional spreadsheet showed
he averaged 35.6 hours a week (although he's required to work 40). The 
spreadsheet was enclosed in a company interoffice envelope with a note 
saying he owes the company 260 hours of
flex time. 

After this Iduhvidual received the note, he got angry and
created his own spreadsheet of actual hours that he had been tracking 
himself. He went straight to the boss to prove that the company was 
wrong. His data shows he worked an average of
36.8 hours a week -- not 35.6!

Wrong Store:

I work at a computer retail store. Recently a customer asked a strange 
question:  "Do you have mouse pads for women?"

(Editor:  supply your own joke here)

Don't Ever Change

I needed to make a phone call while at the library. When I asked for 
change at the counter, I was told that they didn't give change for the 
phone, only for the copy machine. So I asked for change for the copy 
machine and she gave it to me.

Wrong Number:

An Induhvidual went to the hospital emergency room. After seeing the 
doctor and taking medication, he went to the nurse's station to call home 
for a ride.  He asked a nurse how to get an outside line to which she 
responded, "Pound

Thinking the nine button must be sticking, the Induhvidual pushed nine 
hard and dialed the number. He then got a recording that the call 
couldn't be completed. He asked again, received the same answer, dialed 
the same number and got the same recording.

Frustrated, he asked the nurse a third time how to get an outside line. 
Clearly irritated, she answered through her teeth, "I told you, POUND 
NINE!" to which he replied, "OKAY!", balled up his fist and smashed the 

[Editor's Note: Some readers might think this story is an urban legend 
and that's probably true.  But it doesn't mean that Induhviduals aren't 
having this exact confusion everyday.  This is why I never serve pound 
cake at my house.]

Just the Fax, Ma'am:

This conversation actually happened.

Induhvidual: "Do you know anything about this fax-machine"?

DNRC member:  "A little.  What's wrong?"

Induhvidual: "Well, I sent a fax, and the recipient called back to say 
all she received was a cover-sheet and a blank page. I tried it again, 
and the same thing happened."

DNRC member: How did you load the sheet?"

Induhvidual: "It's a pretty sensitive memo, and I didn't want anyone else 
to read it by accident, so I folded it so only the recipient would open 
it and read it."

Group Fax:

A paralegal was given her duties the Monday she was hired. Among other 
things, she was responsible for sending out frequent faxes. She was fired 
on Wednesday when they discovered that because she didn't like using the 
fax machine, she was saving the faxes to send out all at the same 
time--once a week, on Friday.

She was indignant because she couldn't see what they were so upset about.


A clerk at a register in a computer store was questioned as to why a 14.4 
fax-modem costs over $400. The Induhvidual clerk seriously studied the 
box and replied, "Well, it also has data."

Class Dismissed

I handed out problem set solutions in the class I teach. One girl 
immediately took out a highlighter and highlighted the title "Problem Set 
Solutions" and the various headings "Problem 1,"  "Problem 2," etc. 

I fear that someday she will manage the top students in this class.

Stranded Motorist

I recently saw a distraught young lady weeping beside her car. "Do you 
need some help?" I asked.

She replied, "I knew I should have replaced the battery in this remote 
door unlocker -- now I can't get into my car. Do you think they [pointing 
to a distant convenience store] would have a battery for this?"

"Hmmm, I dunno. Do you have an alarm, too?" I asked.

"No, just this remote 'thingy,'" she answered, handing it and the car 
keys to me.

As I took the key and _manually_ unlocked the door, I replied, "Why don't 
you drive over there and check about the batteries -- it's a long walk."

Dogbert Answers My Mail

In this section, Dogbert answers the annoying mail that I'm too polite to 
handle myself.

  Dear Mister Adams,

  Is there a Santa Claus?  My friends say he's just make 




  Dear Virginia:

  There was a Santa Claus, but he's dead now, thus 
  providing a useful lesson on the value of aerobics and
  proper diet.



  Dear Mr. Adams,

  I work for a government organization and can relate 
  to Dilbert, but this Dogbert character has been 
  consistently serving as a detraction from what really 
  could be a very funny cartoon strip. If you must leave 
  Dogbert in your strip, at least make his off-handed 
  remarks either relevant or more appropriately humorous.



  Dear Clod:

  I am very impressed that although you work for a
  government organization, you are not only open-minded
  and creative but you are an excellent critic of comic 
  strip humor.

  Mr. Adams appreciates your valuable input in the area
  of his expertise and hopes that by following your sage
  direction, that one day he too can work for a government 

  And don't let anyone tell you it's wrong to lick the 
  stamps before selling them.  


Star Trek with Dilbert Management

Saint Diana of Wales offers this vision of what the 24th century would be 
like under today's management techniques.

> After the crew is told they are now Empowered, Dr. Crusher begins doing 
medical experiments on unsuspecting enlisted personnel while Worf 
slaughters everyone he considers "weak".

> Data fails an ISO9000 audit because the construction of his positronic
isn't properly documented. He curses Dr. Suhn's record keeping as he's 
stripped for parts.

> All members of the ship's maintenance crew are required to be involved in 
Quality Circles. The loss of productive work time causes them to cut back 
on scheduled repairs, resulting in a warp core breach that kills everyone.

> Commander Riker is fired after a round of "right sizing". Star Fleet
that it didn't really need someone to seduce alien females and smirk a 

> As part of the new Dignity Enhancement program, Piccard is forced to allow 
Troi to wear uniforms that cover her breasts.

> Star Fleet decides to adopt the Borg "Team Building" methods and requires 
all newborn babies to be implanted with computer interface devices. As a 
bonus this cuts down on carpal tunnel disability claims.

> The Enterprise finds that it can no longer communicate with Star Fleet 
Command because they're still running an old version of Windows and can't 
get budget approval for the upgrade.

> As part of a cycle time reduction plan, the crew is ordered to cut the time

necessary to encounter and escape from new life forms from once a week to 
5 days a week. A re-use program is introduced under the nickname RERUNS 
(Reap Earnings and Royalties Using No-longer-produced Shows).

> Piccard is ordered to go to diversity sensitivity training after system
indicate that he has repeatedly disparaged the Ferengis, the Q and the 

> A ship-wide reorganization results in Worf becoming the ship's counsellor, 
Dr. Crusher taking over the engine room, Deanna managing weapons, Data 
running sick bay and Geordi at the helm. They were conquered by a Klingon 
freighter 15 minutes later.

> The crew mutinies when they are given their annual performance reviews and 
find that, despite saving the universe numerous times, they're still only 
getting 3% raises.

On a more serious note:
A Special Holiday Story

Once a year I like to do something that isn't just for laughs.  If you'll 
switch gears with me, I'd like to share something with you that will help 
you find the holiday spirit.

It was 1985.  Wendy popped into my cubicle to tell me a little story.  
She had recently gone for a lunchtime walk with another secretary, Mary. 
They came upon a street person who said he was hungry and asked for some 
change. Mary didn't have any change, but she reached in her purse and 
gave him the sandwich she had prepared at home for her own lunch.

As Wendy told me the story, there was a brief unspoken pause when we both 
thought and felt the same thing -- in all likelihood, that sandwich was 
the only food Mary could afford that day.

Let me tell you about Mary. She is a deeply religious woman who was 
experiencing a thirty year run of bad luck that would make anyone 
question their faith. She was a single mother, working full time and 
barely making ends meet.  It was not unusual for her to go a day without 
eating, though her toddler daughter never did.  

Evenings and weekends, as time allowed, Mary used to care for an elderly 
woman, cooking and cleaning for her. There was no compensation for this, 
nor could the old woman have afforded it.  Mary did it because the old 
woman needed it and couldn't do it herself. That was all.

Recently Mary tracked me down by phone and asked for some money.  
Naturally, it was for someone else -- another single mother who had some 
serious misfortunes lately and was trying desperately to keep her kids.  
Mary had already given all of her own money but it wasn't enough.  As a 
last resort, she called me, having heard from media reports that I might 
the means.

I often think about Mary and the sandwich she gave to the street person 
years ago.  I wonder if he appreciated it. And I wonder how long it was 
before Mary's next meal.  And when I think about it I am glad to be a 
human being, as long as one of us is Mary. And then I realize her 
sandwich has fed me too. Last week it
fed some children and kept them with their mother for the holidays.

If you find something in the sandwich that feeds you too, consider adding 
Mary to your holiday greeting card list.  Send her a card that says, 
"thanks for the sandwich."

Mary's theory is that when you do things for other people, good things 
come back to you in unexpected ways. That hasn't happened for her yet. I 
think it's time.

To maintain her privacy, I set up a mail box address for this purpose.  
I'll have the cards forwarded to her.  Yes, she's a real person, 
fortunately.  I promise.

1325 Imola Ave West
Box 509
Napa CA 94559

Sending Ideas for Dilbert

Most of my ideas for the strip come from e-mail.  (Thanks to all of you 
who took the time.  I'm sorry I can't give personal responses to all of 

The best suggestions are ***BRIEF*** theme ideas, not dialogue or long 
stories.  If something made you mad or amazed or amused today -- and you 
can explain it in a paragraph or less -- it's probably good fodder.  And 
I'd love to see it.

Some parts of your messages may be quoted by me for articles, books or 
interviews.  They will be paraphrased if I think it's necessary to 
conceal the identity of the author or to condense a story.  I never 
disclose names.

Send suggestions to me, not a reply to the newsletter address.  I'm at 
scottadams@aol.com.  And your best bet is to wait at least two weeks from 
receiving the newsletter, because I get more than a thousand messages a 
day in that period.


Dilbert Products
I've deleted the lengthy Dilbert product information section from the 
newsletter to save space.  There's a Dilbert product in almost every 
category you can think of, including magnets, calendars, books, stuffed 
creatures, apparel and animated business videos.  For details on how to 
find any of it, send an e-mail message to dil-product@unitedmedia.com 
with the subject line of "Dilbert Products."  Or check out the revised 
Dilbert Zone Web page at www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert.  Also check 
your local bookstores, Hallmark stores, office and computer supply stores.

***************** General Dilbert Facts *******************

The cartoon strip Dilbert began in 1989.  It now appears in over 1,400 
papers in 35 countries.  

The author (that would be me) receives about 350 e-mail messages per day. 
 I try to read all of my e-mail but it's a challenge.  If you get a 
canned response, or no response at all, it just means my fingers are 
tired.  If you get an incoherent answer it means I'm up late.  If you ask 
multiple questions I often answer the one I like.

Despite what you've heard, I don't work at your company.  I worked at 
Crocker Bank in San Francisco from 1979 to 1986, then Pacific Bell from 
1986 to June 1995, mostly in various engineering groups.  But I'm not an 
engineer by education; I did the MBA thing. 

I am not your high school friend of the same name.  I did not author the 
Scott Adams Adventure Games for computers.  I did not go to your school.  
The person you know is not my relative.  I am not your ex-husband.  We 
were not childhood friends.  I am not related to Douglas Adams.  Despite 
what your friend says, I don't know him/her.  

Dilbert is not gaining weight.  There is no particular reason that 
neither Dilbert nor Dogbert have obvious mouths.  They eat when nobody is 

The most frequently asked question is "Why does Dilbert's tie curl up 
like that?"  The answer is either A) It's a metaphor for his inability to 
control his environment or B) He's just glad to see you.

The boss character has no name.  He's the same boss as the old boss, but 
his hair got pointier over time.  Dogbert's breed is unspecified.  
Dilbert's company has no name.  It's intentionally unclear what they do 
for a living, but Dilbert has a degree in Electrical Engineering from 

Printing, Copying, Reprinting, Licensing of Dilbert

The copyright and trademark for Dilbert are owned by United Media in New 
York.  You can call them at 800-221-4816 (International callers use 
+1-212-293-8500).  There would be a fee that depends on how you want to 
use the strip or the characters.

About the Dilbert List

It costs you nothing to be on the Dilbert Newsletter list, except for the 
cost of your own e-mail.

I'm using a "List Server" system to automate this process.  So this 
newsletter will come to you from a different e-mail address than my 
personal one.  Don't "reply" to the newsletter address please.

The frequency of the Dilbert Newsletter is approximately "whenever I feel 
like it" which should be about three or four times a year.

How to Subscribe Automatically

You can subscribe to the Dilbert List automatically by sending an e-mail 
with the address, subject and message shown:

Address:  listproc@internex.net
Subject:  Dilbert
Message:  subscribe Dilbert_List Joe Blow
    (except put your real name instead of Joe Blow). 

Your e-mail address will be picked up automatically, so you need not 
specify it.  The only thing you customize is your first and last name.


If you want to take your name off the list automatically, send an e-mail 
to listproc@internex.net but include only these words in the body of the 

            unsubscribe Dilbert_List

Put only the word "Dilbert" in the subject line.  

Getting Old Newsletters

Old newsletters are only available on the Dilbert Web site:  

I can't send back issues by e-mail for reasons you wouldn't believe if I 
told you.

Problems Signing Up for the Newsletter

If you tried unsuccessfully to subscribe to the newsletter just send 
e-mail to webmaster@unitedmedia.com and you'll be signed up manually. 

If you try to change your password (which you don't need to do, since 
only I can post to the list anyway) and you get a strange message saying 
you're not on the list, ignore it.  It's a "feature."

Reprinting This Newsletter

Feel free to copy, post and distribute this newsletter within the bounds 
of good netiquette.  

Scott Adams

Scott Adams



1,491 messages to read today.  I need a hand massage.


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