[17] in Dilbert Redistribution

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Newsletter 11.0

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (scottadams@InterNex.NET)
Tue Apr 23 01:20:30 1996

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:17:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: scottadams@InterNex.NET
To: dilbert_list@mlm.InterNex.Net

           Dilbert Newsletter 11.0

To:    Dogbert's New Ruling Class (DNRC)
From:  Scott Adams
Date:  April 1996

(Use Courier 12 point font for proper formatting)

  - New Dilbert book "The Dilbert Principle"
  - Presidential endorsement
  - IQ Test for Induhviduals
  - Strange Tales of Induhviduals

DNRC Status Report

The DRNC has grown to 110,000 amazingly attractive and astonishingly 
intelligent members.  Each of you is becoming smarter and more alluring 
each month.  But let's give credit where credit is due:  to the Dilbert 

Scientists have discovered that reading the Dilbert Newsletter not only 
stimulates endorphins and improves brain circulation, but it also builds 
lean muscle mass.  Granted, most of the improvements are limited to your 
butt and your mouse finger, but those are important parts.  

Look at me, for example.  I can benchpress 200 pounds with my mouse 
finger.  And I can sort coins just by sitting on them naked.  I can't 
promise that all of you will receive that level of benefit, but I CAN 
promise that you won't ask me for change.

It Doesn't Hurt to Ask

Lately, a lot of Induhviduals have been asking DNRC members for 
unreasonable favors.  They rationalize it by saying, "It doesn't hurt to 

After Dogbert takes over, it WILL hurt to ask.

Induhviduals will be required to tape on their backs a cardboard tube 
from a roll of paper towels .  The DNRC member would then rip the tube 
off, along with a patch of the Induhvidual's back hair, and briskly 
pummel the Induhvidual for asking the question.  This will have two 
important benefits:

1.  It will remove unsightly back hair from Induhviduals
2.  It's aerobic

New Book:  The Dilbert Principle

Enhance your career by buying the first hardcover Dilbert book titled The 
Dilbert Principle:  A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management 
Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions.  It's over 300 pages of pithy writing 
and selected Dilbert strips that cover important business issues such as:

- Why is your boss such a galactic idiot
- Pretending to have Quality
- The best way to sleep in your cubicle
- Shafting co-workers for personal gain
- A practical joke called ISO 9000
- What makes engineers so danged attractive
- How to sell bad products to stupid people

The Dilbert Principle, is published by HarperBusiness, ISBN 

Win an Original Dilbert Strip

You can win a signed, framed, original Dilbert strip or a gift 
certificate from Borders Books by playing The Dilbert Principle Trivia 
Game by e-mail, brought to you by United Media, HarperCollins, Yoyodyne 
and Borders Books.

It's a skill game based on the nuggets of wisdom found in The Dilbert 
Principle.  After you sign up for the trivia contest you'll get questions 
from Yoyodyne the week of May 21st, one set of questions per week for 
four weeks.  To win, just be smarter than the other players who read the 
book.  It's that simple.

To play, visit the Dilbert Zone at www.unitedmedia.com or send an e-mail 
message to dilbert@yoyo.com

Yoyodyne doesn't share its list of players with anybody else, but you 
will get occasional e-mails from them that announce new games.  You can 
get off their list permanently at any time by sending a message to 

Office Pranks on Induhviduals

My favorite prank report from the field:

"A friend of mine who works with MRI machines bet the medical salesman 
that he could not toss his wallet through the opening in the MRI magnet 
-- the one the patients' head goes through -- without having the wallet 
touch the sides. 

The Induhvidual's wallet included all of his credit cards, which were 
instantly demagnetized in the process.  

Although it cost my friend a soda, the snicker factor made it well worth 
the price."

True Tales of Induhviduals

These true reports were filed by anonymous DNRC operatives:

Sighting #1:

I was busy writing some computer program for one of my classes and my 
roommate asked me if he could use my coffee maker.  I said, "sure."

The next thing I hear is, "Hey, where do you put the coffee?"  I turn to 
see that he has filled the filter basket with water and is 
(unsuccessfully) trying to keep the water in the basket by plugging the 
hole at the bottom with his finger.  He and the floor are both covered 
with water.

[Editor's note:  Guess which one of these guys will be a senior manager 

Sighting #2:

I was at the airport, checking in at the gate, when the airport employee 
asked, "Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?"

I said, "If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?"

He smiled and nodded knowingly, "That's why we ask."

Sighting #3:

The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it is safe to cross
the street.  I was crossing with an intellectually
challenged co-worker of mine, when she asked if I knew what
the buzzer was for.  I explained that it signals to blind people when the 
light is red.  She responded, appalled, "What on earth are blind people 
doing DRIVING???"

Sighting #4:

At a goodbye lunch for an old and dear co-worker who is leaving the 
company due to "rightsizing," our manager spoke up and said,  "This is 
fun. We should have lunch like this more often."  

Not another word was spoken. We just looked at each other like deer 
staring into the headlights of an approaching truck.

Sighting #5:

I worked with an Induhvidual who plugged her power strip back into itself 
and for the life of her could not understand why her system would not 
turn on. 

Sighting #6 (a rare "double sighting"):

A friend had a brilliant idea for saving disk space.  He thought if he 
put all his Microsoft Word documents into a tiny font they'd take up less 
room.  When he told me I was with another friend.  She thought it was a 
good idea too.

Sighting #7 (from Tech Support):

Tech Support:  "How much free space do you have on your hard 

Induhvidual:   "Well, my wife likes to get up there on that 
               Internet, and she downloaded ten hours of free 
               space.  Is that enough?"

Sighting #8 (from Tech Support):

Induhvidual:    Now what do I do?

Tech Support:   What is the prompt on the screen?

Induhvidual:    It's asking for "Enter Your Last Name."

Tech Support:   Okay, so type in your last name.

Induhvidual:    How do you spell that?    

Sighting #9 (from Tech Support):

We received a support call from a customer who had problems connecting to 
some dial-in lines.  He said he found a solution to his connection 
problems and would like to share it with us.  

When he heard his modem retraining upon dialing in, 
he would pick up the phone and make a "Kckgkth" noise, like a modem, into 
the phone.  Then he would hang up and get a reliable connection.  He told 
us he would be glad to record this noise and send it to us so that our 
other customers could benefit from it.  

After we stopped rolling on the floor laughing, we told him 
he was just inserting line noise and was connecting at a lower speed.  

Presidential Candidates

In the last newsletter I offered to throw the full weight of the DNRC 
behind whichever US presidential candidate requested it first.

Harry Browne, candidate of the Libertarian Party, requested the DNRC 
endorsement and tried to influence me with a signed copy of his book -- 
Why Government Doesn't Work.  I didn't have time to read it and learn 
about the issues because I'm too busy participating in democracy.  But 
it's obvious from the name of his party -- Libertarian -- where his 
priorities are;  he's in favor of making Liberace the national bird.  

It looked like there is a lot of stuff in his book about taxes and social 
programs.  But what any of that has to do with Liberace is beyond me.

Harry Browne was not the only major candidate to request the DNRC 
endorsement.  Several DNRC members sniffed a window of opportunity and 
slapped together their own official presidential campaigns consisting 
primarily of cheap stationery with their names on it.  Here's a summary 
of their campaign platforms:

Steve Taylor:   Platform of enlightened despotism

Diana Wales:    Platform of tax breaks for cartoonists

Hello Kthulhu:  Platform of world chaos through cuteness

Rod Brown:      Platform of DNRC tax exemption

Howie The 
Dog:            Platform of blatant favoritism toward 

All of the candidates have strong platforms, but none of them address the 
most critical potential global threat:  What if the communist leaders in 
China order one billion of their citizens to strap atomic weapons to 
their foreheads and swim as fast as they can in this direction?

Since none of the candidates address this critical issue, I urge you to 
vote for all six candidates.  If anybody questions your multiple voting, 
just say you're voting for some friends who are waiting in the car.  They 
never check.

Quiz for Weeding Out Induhviduals

There is much concern that Induhviduals are trying to pass themselves off 
as DNRC members. If you are in doubt about a particular person's 
Induhviduality, simply administer this IQ quiz (Induhviduality Quotient):

1.  What is the capital letter in Russia?

2.  If 2 + 2 is 4 and 2 x 2 is also 4, what's the big deal 
    about multiplication anyway?

3.  Titanium is:

    A.  A big boat that sank
    B.  A vulgar latin term 
    C.  A long-haired performer who plays the ukelele

4.  When you close the refrigerator door, what happens to the 
    light inside?

    A.  Nobody knows because it's dark in there
    B.  It gets trapped inside because it's not as fast as 
        you might think
    C.  It combines with the yogurt to make "Light Yogurt."

5.  If you bang your head against your keyboard, it feels 
    good as soon as you:

    A.  Stop
    B.  Become unconscious
    C.  0;Hijejnkh9*&^^^jnnlwj

6.  If you are planning to be in a relay race and you can't 
    find a baton, a good substitute would be:

    A.  Scissors
    B.  Hand grenade
    C.  Soap

Dogbert Answers My Mail

In this section, Dogbert will answer some of the annoying e-mail messages 
that I get every day.

Dear Scott,

I plan to use Dilbert cartoons in my upcoming presentation to a large 
industry group.  It's non-profit so I won't be paying you.  Please find 
all the ones about "Teamwork" and mail them to me.  I need them by 
tomorrow, so either FedEx or e-mail will be fine.


Dear June,

Nothing makes Mister Adams happier than a chance to give his work away 
for free, especially if it requires extra effort.  Unfortunately, Mister 
Adams is busy cleaning rain gutters for other inconsiderate turds who 
figured it "wouldn't hurt to ask." So he will not be able to satisfy your 
request in a timely manner.  He apologizes.

But here's a tip:  You can spice up your presentation with paintings from 
the Louvre.  Just write to the curator and ask him to mail you the "ones 
with cherubs exhibiting teamwork."  If he gives you any trouble, remind 
him that you're non-profit and he's being a jerk.



Dear Scott,

I have a Web page that I think you'll enjoy, based on your quirky and 
irreverent style.  Check it out and let me know what you think.



Dear Allan,

Mister Adams appreciates the opportunity to see if his personal 
preferences match those of strangers, especially if it takes some effort. 
 That's the kind of thing he thinks about constantly.  He thanks you for 
being so giving.

To reciprocate, Mister Adams suggests that you slap yourself in the head 
with a wooden spoon.  Judging from your quirky and irreverent style, we 
think you'll enjoy it.  Let us know what you think.


Dear Scott,

My friend named his turtle Alteriox.  It would be very funny if you named 
a character in the Dilbert strip Alterioxbert.  We would all be very 
amused.  If you do it, write and tell me because I don't read the strip.  


Dear Randy,

That is an excellent suggestion for increasing the humor of the strip in 
a way that is relevant to a broad audience.  In fact, Mister Adams plans 
to name ALL of the characters Alterioxbert, except for a new character 
called "Randy the Butt Pimple."  Thank you for this excellent suggestion.


Induhviduals and the Post Office

A DNRC member asked if Induhviduals would be allowed in the Post Office 
after the revolution.

The answer is yes, because they make excellent shields in the event of 
gunfire.  And if you need a stamp moistened you can slap them until their 
tongues hang out.

How To Be Funny

One of my most useful revelations about writing humor dialog is that real 
people don't talk in "question and answer" patterns.   But if you sat 
down and tried to write some humor you would probably be tempted to 
format it that way and it would look forced and artificial.

In real life, conversations go more like this:  I say something that 
interests me then you say something that interests you.  Or I ask a 
question and you ignore it and change the subject.  Or I think aloud 
something that requires no response whatsoever.  The ugly truth is that 
most people are thinking about themselves when they talk, not the other 

When you're writing dialog, first you need to understand the characters.  
Then ask yourself what the character would be thinking and selfishly 
caring about at that moment.  When you give characters "selfish" dialog 
it usually comes off looking "real" even if you exaggerate it wildly.

Another good trick is to have the character say aloud what they would 
normally only think.  When you verbalize a private thought it often ends 
up being shockingly impolite or inconsiderate.  And that can be funny.

Sending Ideas for Dilbert

Most of my ideas for the strip come from e-mail.  (Thanks to all of you 
who took the time.  I'm sorry I can't give personal responses to all of 

The best suggestions are theme ideas, not dialog (even though I just gave 
you tips on how to write dialog).  I'll do the humor part.  I'm most 
inspired by themes of idiotic management and clueless business practices. 
 Tell me about things in your day that caused a feeling of anger, 
insecurity, doubt, distrust, humiliation, incredulity or guilty pleasure.

Some parts of your messages may be quoted by me for articles, books or 
interviews.  They will be paraphrased if I think it's necessary to 
conceal the identity of the author or to condense a story.  I never 
disclose names.

Send suggestions to me, not a reply to the newsletter address.  I'm at 
scottadams@aol.com.  And your best bet is to wait at least two weeks from 
receiving the newsletter, because I get about a thousand messages a day 
in that period.


The Dilbert Store on the Web

The Dilbert Spring Collection will soon be available.  The collection 
includes DNRC caps, polo shirts, t-shirts and twill shirts.  The apparel 
in the Web store features Dilbert and Dogbert embroidery and is not 
available in stores.

The Web store also includes limited edition Dilbert framed desk art, 
Dilbert mug and mousepad sets, books and Dilbert and Dogbert stuffed 

You can order on the web at www.unitedmedia.com or by phone, 
800-882-6450.  (International callers dial: +1-612-948-5434)

Dilbert Mouse Pads

Ring King Visibles has introduced four computer mouse pad and wrist rest 
designs, including the "Etch A Sketch" and "Bungee Boss" themes from 
recent favorite strips.  They are available at Office Depot and Egghead 
Software already.  Go bug your local computer store or office retailer to 
stock them.  You can also call Ring King visibles for more information at 

Or check out The Video Catalog (the Early Spring 1996 issue) to see four 
designs.  Call them at 800-733-2232 to get a catalog or order by mail.

Dilbert Books

"Build a Better Life by Stealing Office Supplies" (original material 
about working at a big company), Andrews and McMeel.  (ISBN 0-8362-1757-8)

"Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons" (a compilation of the 
first year), Andrews and McMeel. 
(ISBN 0-8362-1758-6)  

"Clues for the Clueless" from Andrews and McMeel.  It's original material 
on the subject of manners using the Dilbert cast. (ISBN 0-8362-1737-3)

"Shave the Whales" (a compilation of the second year of Dilbert), Andrews 
and McMeel. (ISBN 0-8362-1740-3)

"Bring Me the Head of Willy the Mailboy" (a compilation covering 10/5/90 
through 5/18/91.), Andrews and McMeel.  (ISBN 0-8362-1779-9)

"It's Obvious You Won't Survive By Your Wits Alone" (a compilation 
covering 5/19/91 to 12/13/92, with color Sundays), Andrews and McMeel.  
(ISBN 0-8362-0415-8).  

"Still Pumped from Using the Mouse (a compilation covering 12/14/92 - 
9/27/93), Andrews and McMeel.  (ISBN 0-8362-1026-3)

Check with any bookstore.  If that fails, call the publisher, Andrews and 
McMeel directly at 800-826-4216 and order by mail.  (International 
callers use +1-816-932-6700)

And new from HarperBusiness:

"The Dilbert Principle" (A hard cover book featuring my original essays 
on various business absurdities, punctuated with the Dilbert comics that 
have been published on those same topics), HarperBusiness.  (ISBN 

Dilbert Calendars for 1996

All sold out, but lots more coming for 1997.

Dilbert Business Videos:

Coming Soon!  New Dilbert animation! 

"Dogbert's Do-it-Yourself Tech Test" is an off-beat four minute animated 
business video featuring Dogbert's test for finding out if you are a 
self-reliant user of technology.  The video opens Technology Does the 
Strangest Things, a Cohen/Gebler Associates video hosted by Elliot Masie 
which highlights the importance of developing a self-reliant attitude in 
the technology driven workplace.  Price $99

Cohen/Gebler Associates has ten current Dilbert business video titles for 
use in meetings, workshops and presentations. The videos are based 
closely on themes from the strip.  They're used primarily as ice 
breakers.  Topics include Quality, Change, Teams, Reengineering, Sales, 
Meetings and more.

Cohen/Gebler Associates also develop custom programs featuring Dilbert 
for internal company communications, e.g.:

        - Employee training
        - Internal communications
        - Employee meetings/events

Call 1-800-208-3535 for more information.  (International callers use 

Dilbert Merchandise by Mail
Signals catalog (New Year 1996 issue) call 800-669-9696
Wireless catalog (Early Spring 1996 issue) call 800-669-9999

- Dilbert silk ties (not the flip up kind)
- Mug
- Sweatshirts
- Book:  "It's Obvious You Won't Survive By Your Wits Alone"
- Dilbert and Dogbert stuffed dolls
- Limited edition lithograph (Signals catalog only)

New Dilbert Novelty Items
Coming this Spring from OZ:

- Dilbert mugs (six designs)
- Dilbert mini gift book:  "Telling it Like it Isn't"  

Look for them in gift and card stores or call 800-826-4216 to find the 
store nearest you.

New Dilbert Tie and Suspenders
New from Ralph Marlin and Company, Dilbert-inspired silk and polyester 
ties.  Look for all four styles in gift and novelty stores near you, or 
call 800-922-8437.

Coming soon from The Rainbow Connection, Dilbert suspenders with a 
"Falling Down the Corporate Ladder" theme.  To find a store near you, 
call 413-267-5421.

Hallmark Cards
Look for "The Dilbert Zone" in Hallmark Stores starting this June, 
including 52 greeting cards and 24 novelty items.  

New Dilbert T-Shirts from Quality Classics:

Look for Dilbert T-shirts and sweatshirts from Quality Classics in retail 
stores around the United States.  There are nineteen designs, but 
individual stores will carry different subsets.  Demand them at your 
local store or call Quality Classics to find a store near you:  
800-735-7185.  New designs include:  Technologically Superior, Trouble 
Brewing, The Loud Dog, Strategy, Cell Mates and Sensory Deprivation 

Online Dilbert Sources

- World Wide Web (The Dilbert Zone)

If you're a company interested in advertising on the Dilbert Web pages, 
send e-mail to Webmaster@unitedmedia.com (put "Web ad" in the subject 
line) or call 800-221-4816 (international callers dial +1-212-293-8500). 

(50 DNRC status points if you get somebody to put a link to the Dilbert 
Web page from another Web site.  But please only link to the page itself, 
not the individual graphics.)

- America Online (older daily strips) (Keyword:  Dilbert)

***************** General Dilbert Facts *******************

The cartoon strip Dilbert began in 1989.  It now appears in over 1,000 
papers in 29 countries.  

The author (that would be me) receives about 300 e-mail messages per day. 
 I read all of my e-mail personally.  I don't have an assistant, unless 
you count my cat.  If you get a canned response, or no response at all, 
it just means my fingers are tired.  If you get an incoherent answer it 
means I'm up late.  If you ask multiple questions I often answer the one 
I like.

Despite what you've heard, I don't work at your company.  I worked at 
Crocker Bank in San Francisco from 1979 to 1986, then Pacific Bell from 
1986 to June 1995, mostly in various engineering groups.  But I'm not an 
engineer by education; I did the MBA thing. 

I am not your high school friend of the same name.  I did not author the 
Scott Adams Adventure Games for computers.  I did not go to your school.  
The person you know is not my relative.  I am not your ex-husband.  We 
were not childhood friends.  I am not related to Douglas Adams.  Despite 
what your friend says, I don't know him/her.  

Dilbert is not gaining weight.  There is no particular reason that 
neither Dilbert nor Dogbert have obvious mouths.

The most frequently asked question is "Why does Dilbert's tie curl up 
like that?"  The answer is either A) It's a metaphor for his inability to 
control his environment or B) He's just glad to see you.

The boss character has no name.  Dogbert's breed is unspecified.  
Dilbert's company has no name.  It's intentionally unclear what they do 
for a living, but Dilbert has a degree in Electrical Engineering from 

Printing, Copying, Reprinting, Licensing of Dilbert

The copyright and trademark for Dilbert are owned by United Media in New 
York.  You can call them at 800-221-4816 (International callers use 
+1-212-293-8500).  There would be a fee that depends on how you want to 
use the strip or the characters.

About the Dilbert List

It costs you nothing to be on the Dilbert Newsletter list, except for the 
cost of your own e-mail.

I'm using a "List Server" system to automate this process.  So this 
newsletter will come to you from a different e-mail address than my 
personal one.  Don't "reply" to the newsletter address please.

The frequency of the Dilbert Newsletter is approximately "whenever I feel 
like it" which should be about three or four times a year.

How to Subscribe Automatically

You can subscribe to the Dilbert List automatically by sending an e-mail 
with the address, subject and message shown:

Address:  listproc@internex.net
Subject:  Dilbert
Message:  subscribe Dilbert_List Joe Blow
    (except put your real name instead of Joe Blow). 

Your e-mail address will be picked up automatically, so you need not 
specify it.  The only thing you customize is your first and last name.


If you want to take your name off the list automatically, send an e-mail 
to listproc@internex.net but include only these words in the body of the 

            unsubscribe Dilbert_List

Put only the word "Dilbert" in the subject line.  

Getting Old Newsletters

You can get back issues of the Dilbert Newsletter automatically by 
sending an e-mail with this precise form:

Address:  listproc@internex.net
Subject:  Dilbert
Message:  get dilbert_list newsletter_1.0

You can use that command form for newletters 1.0 through 10.0, sending a 
different message for each.  They might arrive out of order or take a day 
or two.  This doesn't work for everybody, for reasons none can fathom.

But the best way is to visit the Dilbert Web site if you have a Web 
browser.  http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/

I can't send back issues by e-mail for reasons you wouldn't believe if I 
told you.

Problems Signing Up for the Newsletter

If you tried unsuccessfully to subscribe to the newsletter just send 
e-mail to me and I'll sign you up manually.  My personal address is still 

If you try to change your password (which you don't need to do, since 
only I can post to the list anyway) and you get a strange message saying 
you're not on the list, ignore it.  It's a "feature."

Reprinting This Newsletter

Feel free to copy, post and distribute this newsletter within the bounds 
of good netiquette.  

Scott Adams

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