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The Quotes of Chairman Arthur P. Mattuck (9/18/87 - 11/16/87)

Wed Nov 18 19:09:44 1987

The Quotes of Chairman Arthur P. Mattuck

	18.063 Fall Term 1987

All quotes are kept in the file ~balamac/mattuck.txt (NFS).


``Obviously'' inverse means I don't want to bother (9/18)

Let's do this as a thought experiment. (9/18)

``Well-defined'' means something that seems to be a definition really is

That's a bijection because it obviously is (9/21)

Some signed sum of some things (9/21)

There are sets where you can't even get started (9/21)

To pick k is to pick n-k (9/23)

I'll go too fast anyway, but this way I'll have sympathy (9/23)

Now, this formula is intuitively obvious (9/25)

Different but pretty much the same (9/28)

I'm making up notation as I go, but so what (9/28)

Everything twiddles itself (9/28)

Trivial: go home and stare at it for 3 hours until you're convinced

The margin of this blackboard is too small for the proof of this theorem

After working at it long enough to understand it, you should agree that
it's trivial (9/30)

Nobody in his right mind would write it this way [Mattuck just did]

It's useful since it can often be done (10/2)

The answer is...This is solvable because...Why am I wearing a tie and
jacket? (10/2)

I don't deal with special cases (10/2)

It's Fermatty (10/5)

If they're fundamental, they will be used (10/5)

He wasn't Russian, but he would be if he were alive today [Mattuck on
Kant] (10/7)

It has an irregular singular [vertex/vertices] (10/7)

Pure math is divided into analysis, algebra, and topology.  Never mind
what they are, they're not important (10/14)

Take it, pick it up, and let the rest hang down (10/14)

I won't give you a transparent proof.  I'll give you the most obscure
proof I can find. (10/14)

A tree which is not connected is a forest. (10/14)

That's outside the scope of this course.  That's in the next course,
which you won't take. (10/19)

This is a true fact, like all facts. (10/19)

Nothing is harder than counting (10/21)

You don't have to give a reason for it; you just know it (10/21)

It's 4-dimensional space.  All you need is 4 axes. (10/21)

I have a feeling I must be a windbag, since my notes for this lecture
consist of 4 lines, and [in 44 minutes] I've only covered 2. (10/21)

That's indigo, a color no one's ever seen (10/21 Rec.)

Back in the old days, in pre-history, I mean last century... (10/21)

``The finest mathematician in nonabelian hocus-pocus between the ages of
36 and 37'' (10/23)

I guess a perfect magician can do anything (10/23)

How many people don't know \omega is the cube-root of unity?  That's a
lie; I just told you. (10/26)

I'd have to work a minute or two to say it better, but I'm sure I could.

I don't want to prove that.  It's intuitively clear.  Why don't we just
talk about it for a minute? (Artin, 10/28)

Call it "e" for "identity" (Artin, 10/28)

K is an integer.  I assume you know that by now (10/30)

It's like the SAT: Congruence mon n is to the integers as "~" mon H is
to any group.  (10/30)

I think you could do this as an exercise yourself.  In fact, I don't
know why I'm doing it. (10/30)

It's undoing a definition, which is what all of mathematics is.  (10/30)

You'll use it in the next problem set.  If that isn't applied
mathematics I don't know what is. (10/30)

If you work hard you should have corollaries (10/30)

"P" is always a prime number.  (11/2)

3 and 3 is 1, they don't make 6.  Well, they do make 6, but it makes
more sense if they make 1.  (11/2)

When something is beautiful and elegant, it is of no help in actual
computation.  (11/2)

Beautiful but ineffective: I know some people like that.  (11/2)

It's empty, but you've got to put in something, otherwise no one knows
it's there. (11/4)

"F" isn't a function anymore.  It's just the letter that comes after
"e". (11/4)

Since you're goo guys and I'm not... (11/6)

Anybody not understand that?  Too bad.  (11/6)

Proof by example.  (11/9)

Within 100 yards of here are the greatest Lie Algebraists in the world,
when they're in their offices.  (11/16)

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