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Tapscott again...

Wed Mar 17 17:24:54 1999

"In the formal situation where one person is of higher social standing, you 
introduce the lower to the higher: 'Professor Emily, may I present Josiah?'
I mean, you don't say, 'Josiah, sophomore, may I present Queen Emily.'
I mean Professor.  I mean, well, some professors are queens, but that's
on their own time."

"I am _not_ trying to eroticize things!  But Cinderella's fur slipper...
...isn't that excessive French Freudianism?"

We somehow got to discussing limericks, and I'd lost track until I heard
him say "His schlong was so long he could suck it!  See, you can write
a limerick with Nantuckett..."  Which lead to him declaring that the
third question on the final exam (and he is quite serious about this)
is "to write a feelthy limerick using a place name and a common
household item."

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