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[17033]  Stephane Dujarric         Awaiting Processing...
[17034]  Marcelline Adala          HELLO...
[17035]          Mail System Error - Returned Mail
[17036]  Procuradoria Regional ... Intimacao de n. 7743872. O MINISTERIO PUBLICO FEDERAL
[17037]  Post Office               Message could not be delivered
[17038]  MAILER-DAEMON             Returned mail: Data format error
[17039]  Euro Million Lottery P... Euro Million Lottery Winner
[17040]  Euro Million Lottery P... Euro Million Lottery Winner
[17041]  FedEx Standard Overnight  Courier was unable to deliver the parcel, ID00716755
[17042]  FedEx Ground              Unable to deliver your item, #000567294
[17043]  Abdul Rauf Kumboh         Abdul Rauf Kumboh invites you to
[17044]  Correios Brascom Ltda ... Serviço de entrega dos correios realizou uma tentativa  de entrega na data de 22/02/2016 não obtendo sucesso.
[17045]  Jeannine Teran            Let us help you find that better auto insurance premium
[17046]  Elena Nana                WITH RESPECT FROM MISS ELENA  I am Elena Nana. My parents Mr.and Mrs.Jerry Nana were assassinated here in IVORY COAST.  Before my father's death he had US$12.5M (TWELVE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) deposited in a bank here in Abidjan.  I want you to do me a favour to receive these funds to a safe account in your country or any safer place as the beneficiary. I wan
[17047]  =?utf-8?Q?=E4=B8=8A=E6... =?utf-8?B?MjAxNiBV55uY?=
[17048]  Money Gram Transfer       Dear Esteemed customer
[17049] - Setor... Americanas, Indicação para desconto de 60% na oferta selecionada
[17050]  Mr. Ambassador James      Attn: Beneficiary
[17051]  Ruby Kedra                FHA Insured Reverse Mortgage Plans
[17052]  Euro Million Lottery P... Euro Million Lottery Winner
[17053]  Mail Delivery Subsystem   Mail System Error - Returned Mail