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Termified so far

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Sat Mar 18 12:02:04 1995

Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 17:25:21 +0200
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@cc.helsinki.fi>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu

X-Mn-Key: announce

From: Gus Nwosu <nwosu@clamart.wireline.slb.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: Termified so far
Organization: Schlumberger SINet, London, England
Keywords: term, networking, termify
Approved: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.networking

I thought some people might be interested to know that the following 
applications can be termified and run successfully:

Nescape 1.0 and 1.1:   A popular www browser 

Chimera 1.63:	an X-based www browser (does not need Motif). This browser 
		is available as source and has 'defines' for Term. I use this. 

Moxftp 2.2:	a nice X-interface to FTP. Can be compiled for Athena 3D, 
		Motif or openlook.

All the above run well with Term-2.3.5 and the latest version of termify.


 Gus O. Nwosu					Tel: +33 1 45 37 28 58
 92142 Clamart Cedex

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov
PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.

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